[ Short Videotutorials ]StreaK's CLI Love - How To

Hi there

I would like to show You a package that i prepared for haiku called StreaK’s CLI Love where im adding best command line apps from linux world and scripts created by me to help cli-linux’ers easily switch to haiku without recompiling apps hell. Maybe some of You knows it from OpenPandora world. Anyway… the package can be downloaded from haikuware [ http://haikuware.com/directory/view-details/utilities/command-line-shell/streaks-cli-love ] and here i would like to put few short videotutorials: how to start and complete simple/common tasks in haiku just only using StreaK’s CLI Love Package.

Here we go:

How to… quick checking haiku news

info: http://haiku-os-dev.blogspot.com/2013/06/streaks-cli-love-how-to-1.html

How to… RSS and YouTube

info: http://haiku-os-dev.blogspot.com/2013/06/streaks-cli-love-how-to-2-rss-and.html

How to… Midnight Commander and FTP

info: http://haiku-os-dev.blogspot.com/2013/06/streak-cli-love-how-to-3-ftp-with-mc.html