Screenshot > ShowImage > Cut out the marked region +++

Additional button for Screenshot = [Crop in ShowImage] ?

Geht das eigentlich noch?

I’d rather see that as an option.
A checkbox and next to it “When finished open last screenshot with” and a dropdown menu to chose the app.

Yo, das geht noch!
Of course you can!

I don’t like drop-down menus where they can be avoided - and very often they are!
They often lead to click orgies, coupled with confusion!

So you mean, selecting Area with the mouse and then cropping during a button “crop to mask”. Good idea

Ich meinte:
Taste ‘Druck’ = Start ‘Screenshot’, dort ein Klick auf [Beschneiden in ShowImage]

Ein Button [Select Region] wie in BeSreenCapture


I meant:
‘Print’ button = start ‘Screenshot’, there a click on [Crop in ShowImage]

A button [Select Region] like in BeScreenCapture …