Screenshot shortcut on Apple keyboard

There’s no Print key on Apple keyboard. Is it currently possible to reassign the shortcut or assign a second one? If not, is there a ticket to add the feature? I wasn’t able to find one, but maybe I missed something.

p.s.: TIL Windows has two shortcuts for taking a screenshot: PrtScr and Win+Shift+S

There is a “Screenshot” command you can use instead, and bind a shortcut to this.

edit: or well more precisely you can invole the Application this way. : )

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Maybe this feature is not well documented because I’ve just discovered you can :

In the Preferences, there’s an application for Shortcuts.

When you open it, just add a new shortcut with the application for the Screenshot as below :


On my Mac keyboard it’s working as expected :slight_smile:

Note : instead of the standard Screenshot application, you can use also “Flameshot” which is a nice screencapture app.

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And for Flameshot, the best shortcut is : /boot/system/apps/Flameshot/Flameshot gui

With this option, you will be able to choose which part of the screen you need to save.