Screen preference add-on

in the next verision could not even be inserted something in “screen preference” that it mean the used version of the driver and also the version of the Agp Busmanager?

currently it is not possible to know that version is being used :frowning:

like this

But is this where this kind of info should be?

I was thinking more of something like DxDiag on Windows. An application that reports on the various sub-systems found in Haiku and shows their appropriate information.

mm for varius sub-system i like BePC-Info (

this was alone an idea for knowing that version of driver video was in use in the system

Not a bad idea. We’ll pass that on to the R2 (glass elevator) list.


thx thx thx

good =D

I think this kind of info (driver info and card id) doesn’t belong to this preflet. At most, it would be ok to have another preflet loaded showing this info, because this behavior is not restricted to graphics card but every device on your system. Maybe it could happen to be present in a Devices preflet when a new PnP driver API happens to exist.

I would say that this does not belong here.

Axel and I have talked briefly about an API that would allow the kernel to be queried so that you could make an application that shows the bus->device->driver relationship. This is not a promise, mind you, but something that we talked about.


Yes that kind of thing is much more fitting for the devices preflet. It offers no useful addition to the screen preflet IMHO

tb100 wrote:
Yes that kind of thing is much more fitting for the devices preflet. It offers no useful addition to the screen preflet IMHO

However - there is a reason to support a driver-based addon at the side of the screen preferences panel. It can give the driver version if it wants, but it would kill the need for “Radeon Screen”, “Matrox/nVidia Dualhead” and “BeTV Out”, etc having seperate configuration apps. Too many config apps != BeOS.

mphipps wrote:
I would say that this does not belong here.

Michael, can you elaborate? I am curious as to why it does not belong here (the specifics), and where it would make more sense to have this kind of information.


mphipps wrote:
I would say that this does not belong here.

Your mock up looks very good and you have put a lot of effort into making it, however I have to agree with Michael on this. It just adds clutter and doesn’t actually serve a purpose in the screen preflet.

I do think howewever that there may be a case to have some sort of interaction between this preflet and the device manager preflet.

For instance, there could be a little magnifying glass in the corner of the panel with a tool tip of “Detailed information about the graphics card…”, when clicking on it it loads the device manager preflet up with the information about the graphics card already selected.

These magnifying glasses could be turned on or off globally somehow so if you didn’t want to see them, you didn’t have to.

Just an idea…

MYOB wrote:
However - there is a reason to support a driver-based addon at the side of the screen preferences panel. It can give the driver version if it wants, but it would kill the need for "Radeon Screen", "Matrox/nVidia Dualhead" and "BeTV Out", etc having seperate configuration apps. Too many config apps != BeOS.

We already thought something like that. In some hopefully not too distant future, our graphics drivers will be able to export their capabilities to the screen preflet, so that you will be able to configure video in/out or whatever.
At least, that’s the idea.

Jack Burton wrote:
MYOB wrote:
However - there is a reason to support a driver-based addon at the side of the screen preferences panel. It can give the driver version if it wants, but it would kill the need for "Radeon Screen", "Matrox/nVidia Dualhead" and "BeTV Out", etc having seperate configuration apps. Too many config apps != BeOS.

We already thought something like that. In some hopefully not too distant future, our graphics drivers will be able to export their capabilities to the screen preflet, so that you will be able to configure video in/out or whatever.
At least, that’s the idea.

Heh, odd that this comes up again, I was discussing this with Rudolf about three days ago.

humm … like others, i have a doubt withthe fact that those infos belongs to this panel. Also, i’m no a big fan of this (really too) small arrow.
Last, if no “Haiku updater” pref panel is planned, so why not put a link to the BeBits page of the driver ?


I like this version =) is mmm more clean. :slight_smile:

beosfrance wrote:
humm .... like others, i have a doubt withthe fact that those infos belongs to this panel. Also, i'm no a big fan of this (really too) small arrow. Last, if no "Haiku updater" pref panel is planned, so why not put a link to the BeBits page of the driver ?

Driver info doesn’t belong to the screen panel. Driver SETTINGS do. You can chuck in version info if you want, but a settings tab/pane/whatever is a good idea - some of the drivers are becoming more and more configurable, as is the AGP addon, etc

I promised Rudolf I’d do a prototype (read, not a mockup. semi-working actual application) of this ages ago. Wait till monday, I need to try to force file handling back into my head, haven’t used it in ages…