Score +1 for haiku

Regulars may remember me describing how I got Windows 7, Ubuntu 9.04, Mac OSX and haiku all installed on a single hard drive on an Intel D945GCLF2 mobo (1.6 GHz, dual core Atom D330 CPU). Well I decided to upgrade to the new Intel D525MW mobo (Atom D525 1.8GHz, dual core, faster memory bus).

As expected Mac OSX no longer boots since the hack which allows it to work on non apple hardware is specific to the motherboard.

Ubuntu came up with a garbled screen on first boot and I had to reboot into recovery mode and choose xfix, after which it booted up into my new screen’s 1600x1200 native resolution. Might have been more a result of the new display than the new mobo but, still…

Windows 7 came up and appeared to be installing the required drivers for the new mobo which took a while. It also started reporting “This copy of Windows is not genuine” but, that may be related to more than just the hardware change.

Here’s where haiku trumped them all. It just booted up as usual no fuss. It even automatically detected the display and set the correct resolution. Sound worked, network card detected, everything seems A OK!!! Impressive for a little upstart OS (that’s still in alpha).


Yeah, I love the driver-free just works method!

One day, Haiku will support everything :slight_smile: (in terms of hardware: sound, video, mobos, and external and internal peripherals of a PC).

That’s great! Haiku doesn’t need any drivers for motherboards and such, you only have to watch out for the video card (just check the hardware compatibility list at haikuware).

+1 from me too…

i have uprgaded from Intel DG41MJ Mystic Lake (G41 chipset and Intel GMA x4500 gfx)
to GIGABYTE G41MT-D3 (G41 chipset and Intel GMA x4500 gfx)

yes all boards have the some chipset , sound, graphics and network and all devices are compatible with Haiku… I have widescreen resolution on all this board… i buy NVIDIA GT220 graphics but without chance to run in non vesa … now i remove nvidia and i am on intel gfx.

Only 3 words: I like Intel :slight_smile: and Haiku too :slight_smile:

lukves, what CPU did you use?


Hybird modular kernel design for the win for sure.

The only problem I have do far is the sound. I have on board video and was detected corretly( unlike any Linux distro). Did found most of my USB devices. How can I make the sound working?
I have Realtek HD. Do we have driver for?

[quote=dupek]The only problem I have do far is the sound. I have on board video and was detected corretly( unlike any Linux distro). Did found most of my USB devices. How can I make the sound working?
I have Realtek HD. Do we have driver for?[/quote]

That should be covered by HDA.


go into terminal

installoptionalpackage -a opensound

I did that and still no sound. I went as far as installing all optional packages. It took me a while.

I assume it works under windows ? must be a newer chipest. File a bug ticekt.

How do I pull the info from my computer. Under linux was command line. Recently, I got some crackling noise, but still no sound. I downloaded mp3 file( to test the sound), and the player would not play. In Media shows HD and nVidia. I like Haiku, because is not “clutter” like other OS and boot fast. Linux distros are getting too “fat”. Win7 boot faster that any Linux. I did try OSX (Leopard) in virtual box and had sound working. I will go to my BIOS and see if I can change something.

“Crackling” is good.
On my computer with an Intel 82801H sound card, the OSS driver will not work in Haiku UNLESS I disable the /boot/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/bin/hda driver by renaming it to something else.
Until I do this, the best I can get is some crackling.
If sound still doesn’t work, you might want to make some changes to the Preferences>>Media section.

Just thought that I would jkeep the community up to date. I am posting this from a desktop system with the Intel D525MW mobo running the latest alpha 4 release candidate as of today, June 2 (r41861). AFAICT everything is wortking fine. While I compose this, I have five movies (avi) running and at one point was playing two mp3s as well. A couple of the movuies seem to be freeze up once in a while but, with five going simultaneously on this underpowered hardware, who’s complaining? This reminds me of beOS R5 at it’s best!
