Saving old BeOS apps - Doom ports

Hello. I found several ports of Doom, Heretic and Hexen for BeOS, in this page:

Would be nice to keep them saved in our community. Personally, I had downloaded them, but not have a way to share them.

Thank you!

[quote=PulkoMandy]We are still binary compatible, so for now the BeOS binaries (R4 and later) are of some use. But in the long term, it would be good to get the sources.

However, often the files come with a readme, which has the author name, and this is the first lead to contacting the author and getting him to locate the sources in his old backup floppies and upload a copy of them. We had some success with that already with things like Slayer, Sawteeth, and several other projects hosted at HaikuArchives.

In the case of Doom however, it may be better to work from an up to date SDL port like Cholocate Doom.[/quote]

i does not get any doom game running sience beos/zeza. the binaries does not run on haiku any more.

I have added them to . Thanks!

Buenísimo, un_spacyar! Muchas gracias, a ver cuando hacemos una reunión con los usuarios de Haiku y BeOS en Argentina! Un abrazo!

Estaria bueno eso

I have added them to . Thanks![/quote]

Something went wrong there. The link puts me back to your blog, at this article:

Gravis Interface Protocol
Posted by pulkomandy on Sun Nov 23 21:39:25 2014 • Comments (0) •

Cross-linked clusters on the hd or just a confused server app?

Hola, soviet9922! Cómo estás? Estaría bueno armar alguna reunión con otros usuarios argentinos, qué te parece? Sería interesante saber de dónde sos, y un poco de tu historia con BeOS…

Cuando puedas, presentate en el siguiente topic, así seguimos reuniendo gente:

Un abrazo, seguimos en contacto!

Sorry, somehow copied an old html file inside the directory. Not sure what happened exactly, but now the files are available.

I have the old files for doom too on my beos discs, but never see any source for the ported programs. So i mean we does not get them running on Haiku any more, make storing this files really sense?.

We are still binary compatible, so for now the BeOS binaries (R4 and later) are of some use. But in the long term, it would be good to get the sources.

However, often the files come with a readme, which has the author name, and this is the first lead to contacting the author and getting him to locate the sources in his old backup floppies and upload a copy of them. We had some success with that already with things like Slayer, Sawteeth, and several other projects hosted at HaikuArchives.

In the case of Doom however, it may be better to work from an up to date SDL port like Cholocate Doom.