RVGL ldconfig

I want to port RVGL (Revolt) and the python script works good. Then there was a bash which use ldconfig.

ldconfig doesn’t exists under Haiku. Is there a possibility to work around?

It is not even open source.

I have the original game from Windows.

But the question was, is there a replacement for ldconfig?

It can be that other programs (not this game) use also ldconfig.

Put your libs in the correct place, for example in $libDir or into a directory called “lib” beside the executable.

Thank you, i will try.

if you only need to change the place it looks for libs check the en var LIBRARY_PATH, it includes the before mentioned lib/ by default which should be sufficient for most cases.

To make it clear: libraries and binaries are not interchangeable between platforms, so do not expect the linux binaries will somehow magically start work on Haiku even if you put them into a specific folder. They just wont.

ldconfig is used in linux to build a mapping of library sonames to filenames and paths. In Haiku, we don’t have such a mechanism, so:

  • Installed libraries must have a filename exactly matching their soname
  • The libraries are searched in several directories when they are loaded

If ldconfig is run in your script with no arguments, it is likely that you can simply remove it or comment it out.

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Thank you for your answers.

I see today that the game works under 32Bit on Ubuntu 20. Not under 64Bit. So i closed my investigation. And a port to haiku make no sence (different issue)

regards lorglas