RISC-V Implementation

How compatible is RiscV with PPC. If I think correctly, this is the low-power version of this risc?

Totally different. RISC-V and PowerPC are their own things.


How about this one:

It’s getting more and more interesting :slight_smile:

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@rudolfc and everyone, here’s a direct link for the BeagleBoard V: https://beagleboard.org/beaglev :smiley:

Looks like @kallisti5 is making progress https://twitter.com/kallisti5/status/1349386676817326084?s=21

  1. http://www.micromagic.com/news/CoreMark_PressRelease.pdf
    “Today (i.e. Sept 2020) Micro Magic, Inc. announced the world’s fastest 64-bit RISC-V core achieving 5GHz and 13,000 CoreMarks at 1.1V. A single Micro Magic core running at 0.8V nominal delivers 11,000 CoreMarks at 4.25GHz consuming only 200mW.”

  2. SiFive HiFive Unmatched (Model: HF105-000. $665.00 USD, Expected: 4/2/2021)
    (Quad-core, 16GB DDR4 RAM, 32MB Quad SPI Flash Storage, 1Gb Ethernet)

  3. Join the circle of friends:

For that beagle board some tech specs (more or less) are here:

Looked at this file there:

Looks like @kallisti5 has the Haiku boot loader running on RISC-V under Qemu https://twitter.com/kallisti5/status/1352769189661040640?s=21

I have ordered a few $6 Sipeed MAIX just to play around with. Mainly using Linux… but if I can jump start it with Haiku, one would finally have a MCU that would be FUN.

I am also on the list for a BeagleV. Haiku on the BeagleV would be amazing.

I have been eyeing that. Please let us know how it is. Seems too low powered for Haiku or Linux but it might still be fun to mess with. I’d like to see how far it could be taken. Certainly a little portable game system could be built with it, if not a mini computer of some sort with a smaller OS. Though I know it is geared toward IoT and AI stuff.

The BeagleV seems like it could be a proper computer and I agree Haiku would be awesome on it but I think we still have a ways to go for any non-x86 Haiku :frowning:

Those will run Linux (I have the MAIX Amigo), but it’s extremely minimal and pretty ~proprietary~ EDIT: wrong word… Sipeed has the only open-source code for it, and it’s a bit sketchy still from an adoption standpoint.

If you’re interested in (potentially) running Haiku on a RISC-V device, here are the base requirements:

  • rv64gc ISA. (I’ve heard rv64imac is a more compatible target, but there aren’t really any interesting rv64imac devices out there for Haiku… they’re all rv64gc today. (gc has hardware floating point, while imac is software floating point)
  • 2GiB of RAM (less might work, but where’s the fun in that)
  • u-boot needs to support it.

Meet those three requirements, and you’re golden.

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Hmm, Alibaba for RISC-V, anyone?

https://www.cnx-software.com/2020/11/09/xuantie-c906-based-allwinner-risc-v-processor-to-power-12-linux-sbcs/ (nov 2020)

16 core out-of-order-processing 64bit… (U8 as far as I understand). They added custom instructions as well to speed up i.e. bit-oriented processing.

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That one is interesting… however the memory is a bit of a limitation at 64MiB - 256MiB for a chance of running Haiku you would need at least 512MiB+ … unless someone adds the ability for Haiku to boot to a bash text console instead of always starting app_server :thinking:

RV64GCV should be compatible with our current RV64 target though.

I’m curious what it will turn out to be.
As http://linuxgizmos.com/risc-v-based-allwinner-chip-to-debut-on-13-linux-hacker-board/ states not all specs are clear yet, including the amount of memory possible on these chips…

Significant memory consumer is package_fs, running system with extracted packages require less memory.

Well, BeIA used to boot to a browser, so I guess anything is possible. It just hijacked the bootscript, and went down a different path.

Is it running the app_server that is the issue, or Tracker? I guess there must be a way to run a simple command line. Does any of this boot to KDL?

It is already possible to boot Haiku to command line, fyi.
I mean to kill app_server and everything and start consoled.


I recently wrote RISC-V disassembler in Oberon from scratch in 2 days. Source code is here. BlackBox on Haiku is needed to run. It seems to be complete but it can be inaccurate (especially FPU, llvm-objdump that I used as reference can’t decode FPU instructions). It can resolve symbol references and PIC stubs.

RISC-V use bit mixing a lot and I don’t know why. For example single continuous block is mixed into 8 (!) parts for short JAL instruction:

001 imm[11|4|9:8|10|6|7|3:1|5] 01 C.JAL (RV32)
imm := SignExtend(
	op[0] DIV ASH(1, 2) MOD ASH(1, 1)*ASH(1, 5) +
	op[0] DIV ASH(1, 3) MOD ASH(1, 3)*ASH(1, 1) +
	op[0] DIV ASH(1, 6) MOD ASH(1, 1)*ASH(1, 7) +
	op[0] DIV ASH(1, 7) MOD ASH(1, 1)*ASH(1, 6) +
	op[0] DIV ASH(1, 8) MOD ASH(1, 1)*ASH(1, 10) +
	op[0] DIV ASH(1, 9) MOD ASH(1, 2)*ASH(1, 8) +
	op[0] DIV ASH(1, 11) MOD ASH(1, 1)*ASH(1, 4) +
	op[0] DIV ASH(1, 12) MOD ASH(1, 1)*ASH(1, 11)
, 12);



I am very excited about the prospects of SIFIve having increased its collaboration with Intel with many now speculating the latter firm might buy out the former. I wonder what the possibility is of a Risc-V based NUC (New Unit of Computing - a small form factor PC) arriving ready for Haiku R1?

The NUC would be the ideal system for intel to offer in Risc-V to test the market. Apple did produce a version of its similar Mac Mini with an iPhone M-series processor for developers prior to the release of their M1 chip. I am sure such a system would be the perfect thing for Haiku to target - maybe I get carried away but perhaps it could be offered with Haiku pre-installed?