Request developers to get rid of that ugly mouse pointer

I am playing with Haiku . I really like this Free and open source OS .
On thing I really don’t like that horrible looking mouse pointer .

where to contact developers about this issue …???

Be glad Haiku boots on your hardware and that’s your only complaint :stuck_out_tongue:

(It’s not going to change just because some person says it looks crap, i personally like it)

they aren’t offering alternate mouse points, Yet that I know of.

[quote=The123king]Be glad Haiku boots on your hardware and that’s your only complaint :stuck_out_tongue:

(It’s not going to change just because some person says it looks crap, i personally like it)[/quote]

Seriously , you like it…??? . I see such things only in horror movies

Personal preference is natural. I presume providing a handful of other mouse pointer choices for users to choose from would be a piece of cake to Haiku developers, and even to students of GOC? Or, is it a welcomed suggestion to make an optional pack for download from Haikuware?

Hi asifnaz,

As others have said, such things are a personal preference. Our mouse pointer comes pretty much directly from BeOS, the operating system that inspired Haiku. But believe it or not it is a more modern and better version. Because of this heritage and nostalgia I don’t think you will find any Haiku developers who want to change the default mouse pointer in the code, but it is certainly possible to add an option to change the pointer (or even have various pointer themes.)

But like anything else that requires a developer to be motivated enough to work on it, and most of us are pretty busy with other tasks which we feel are more important.

If you like you could log an enhancement ticket at for having a configurable mouse pointer, and at some point a developer may work on it. But maybe you will learn to like the Haiku mouse pointer and other things about Haiku which make it different from other systems, like those bright yellow tabs :slight_smile:

[quote=leavengood]Hi asifnaz,

As others have said, such things are a personal preference. Our mouse pointer comes pretty much directly from BeOS, the operating system that inspired Haiku. But believe it or not it is a more modern and better version. Because of this heritage and nostalgia I don’t think you will find any Haiku developers who want to change the default mouse pointer in the code, but it is certainly possible to add an option to change the pointer (or even have various pointer themes.)

But like anything else that requires a developer to be motivated enough to work on it, and most of us are pretty busy with other tasks which we feel are more important.

If you like you could log an enhancement ticket at for having a configurable mouse pointer, and at some point a developer may work on it. But maybe you will learn to like the Haiku mouse pointer and other things about Haiku which make it different from other systems, like those bright yellow tabs :)[/quote]

I really appreciate such a detailed answer . I understand Haiku’s heritage from BeOS . I never used BeOS so I don’t mind having the choice of some additional pointers .

thank you

Well it should be trivial to add other pointer graphics but again I have to agree with others that I like it. (maybe I’m looking through Beos-tinted glasses)