Remember, A small app to remember scheduled events (my "improved" version)

Hi everyone,

Well, I recently worked on the enhancements of this app:

EDIT 05 Jun 2016: I updated the hpkg, since I recompiled the app using setarch x86 - gcc5 - (and I made some improvements on the Events files), so, now, the app will also run on both x86 GCC 2 Hybrid - - and x86 GCC4 - .

Which is also available on Haikuports (but is not yet added to HaikuDepot).
To avoid confusion: on Haikuports there is the source code of the plain version of Remember.

I used this app since my BeOS days, more than a decade ago, and I always felt the lack of an easy way to organize the Events, due to the fact that you have to manually edit the advanced attributes inside Tracker, and you also have to mess when you have to insert dates. So, around this app (the *.hpkg is available for download below) I made some utilities, like eg an event maker (a GUI script based on hdialog) which also check and suggests the current status of the Remember app:

In the following *.hpkg I also implemented the making of advanced attributes for these event files, so you can easily and precisely find the content of your events (I also added a dedicated query template):

I didn’t touched excessively the source code: I just added another icon and i removed the annoying notification which was showed every time that Remeber is started.

You can download the app from here:

You need any recent nightly build x86_gcc2 hybrid.

Be aware to this bug:
maybe you need to reboot to “activate” the identification of the event files.

All credits goes to Michael Lotz, to which I want to say thank you for this simple and useful application!

Some more screenshots:

Looks very interesting and useful. It’s always nice to have more apps in Haiku.
Thank you very much for your contribution!

I love this app. Simple and does what I need.

[quote=Giova84]You can download the app from here:

404 not found :frowning:

[quote=michel][quote=Giova84]You can download the app from here:
The link is no longer valid, now is updated:

404 not found :-([/quote]

Sorry: I had some trouble with my web hosting service: I will update the link soon, by uploading the hpkg on another service, please wait :slight_smile:

[quote=michel][quote=Giova84]You can download the app from here:

404 not found :-([/quote]

Now should be ok (I switched to another - and I hope better! - ) hosting service:

Please let me know if now you are able to download this file :slight_smile:

Got it, thanks

Possible to get a working binary for Haiku A4?

Well, nowadays Haiku rev Alpha4 is not only old, but also obsolete, and I don’t have a way (no dedicated partition) to install this version on my computer. I’m not also sure that the newer source code of Remember (available on Haikuports) would be able to compile on Alpha 4; furthermore, directories’s paths on A4, are different from the current nightly builds and I can’t assure a correct/proper operation of the whole application.

Just out of curiosity: why you need a binary for Alpha 4? The current nightly builds are far better on more fronts :slight_smile:

Just out of curiosity: why you need a binary for Alpha 4? The current nightly builds are far better on more fronts :-)[/quote]

The nightlies are not that stable, so I don’t rely on them yet for daily use.

The nightlies are not that stable, so I don’t rely on them yet for daily use.[/quote]

Well: I use nightlies (updating them via pkgman update - since the package system is available) as main OS on my computer since years, and I never encountered any major issue of stability; nightlies also include many bug fixes and enhancements compared to Haiku Alpha 4 (which was released @ November 2012!)

if you experienced trouble with the nightlies, I encourage you to report trouble/bugs/whatever on because the best way to improve the user experience is to communicate with the developers :slight_smile:

EDIT 05 Jun 2016: I updated the hpkg, since I recompiled the app using setarch x86 - gcc5 - (and I made some improvements on the Events files), so, now, the app will also run on both x86 GCC 2 Hybrid - - and x86 GCC4 - .
