I’m new to Haiku and not sure if my booting is normal, or an issue.
Haiku R1/beta2 (hrev54154+119) is installed on my UEFI/GPT system aside with Windows 10 and Linux Mint 20. Bootloder is Grub 2.04.
After selecting Haiku in the Grub bootloader menue, a short message "no boot path found, scan fo all partitions..."
shows up and the “Welcome to the Haiku Boot Loader” screen starts.
At every boot of Haiku now I have to
-> select “Select Boot Volume (Current: Haiku)”
-> select “Haiku (Current: Latest state)”
-> select “Latest state”
-> select “Return to main menue”
-> select the NEW ENTRY “continue booting”
to start Haiku, which boots then and works nice.
Is this to be expected, or did something went wrong with my installation?
Kind of gives the impression there might be some sort of ongoing issue within Haiku regarding the boot process and UEFI. If your system is dumping directly into the Haiku bootloader, without pressing SHIFT or another key, then I suspect there might be something wrong with the GRUB entry. So double check that it’s correct.
Yepp, all steps are required.
The last entry at Haiku Boot Loader is greyed out Cannot continue booting (Boot volume is not valid)
After these steps it changes to continue booting
BTW, I copied the Haiku EFI file from the original (not nightly) R1/beta2 usb stick to my EFI partition. Maybe there is a newer/different EFI available which I have missed?
Even if it’s not correct, it would be nice to let us know what you changed. Either we agree and we incorporate the changes in nightlies, or we can work together on a better solution.
What could go wrong? No one here will shame you for offering a fix to a problem, even if it’s not perfect
But it’s strange that with this patch, it will not show the boot menu and just boot to kernel directly. Maybe we have some changes to the boot stage in this patch.
I’d like people with issues to try boot a nighly build and see if the problem still exists. Some fixes to booting was done post Beta 2. If you copied the EFI-loader, you should use a new one of the loader as well.