Questions about options of Autoraise


I’m currently checking Autoraise applet for translation, but there are several options that I cannot understand how it works. All I can found was one Youtube video, but it doesn’t mention any options that I want to know and there are no documentation about it.

  • Under the “Mode” menu, there are “Deskbar only (over its area)” and “Deskbar only (touch)” options. I can understand both will raise only Deskbar on top, but what’s the difference between “over its area” and “touch” option?

  • Under the “Inactive behaviour”, there are two options - “Warping (ffm)” and “Instant warping (ffm)”. Autoraise utility for MacOS says that it will warp mouse pointer to the center of raised window, but Haiku’s autoraise seems like neither these options does nothing. IS there any expected behavior about these options? And what is “ffm” means?

Focus Follows Mouse.

In other words, when you move your mouse over a window, that window gets the focus even if you don’t click on it.

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There’s an Autoraise.txt at its source code. In it, it says:

  • Mode: The default mode (option 1) is to raise every window. You can also set it so it only raises the Deskbar, whenever you have the mouse on top of it, even if you have a window over it (option 2), or rather only when your mouse is over a visible part of it (option 3).

I’ve never used Autoraise and from just a quick try, it appears those options don’t work that nicely (anymore?). Windows keep popping up over the Deskbar, or don’t…

Those appear to be similar to old Haiku/BeOS settings that have been removed for quite while, see an old user guide page at

It appears those options don’t work anymore.

Maybe it’s time to move Autoraise to HaikuArchives and remove it from the Haiku image. Or fix/remove non-working options…
@mmu_man, what say you? :slight_smile:


Thanks. I didn’t know that was abbriviation of that :slight_smile:

Thanks. Now I have enough comprehension to correctly translate it :slight_smile: