Qt4 does not compile

I have to create a new virtual machine to reproduce the installation steps (if it works…) and document it also with latest Lazarus snapshot code.
Some packages from depot it depends a
re 1.x and it suggest 2.x.
Actually i have it working but with the number of steps I’ve taken, I don’t even remember which one worked.
There is the posibility to add paths in lazarus config files to these directories to have accesd to all .ppu and .o, these path in think begin with -FU … an -FL… for units and libraries.
May be other extra files apart qt5pas are needed in link process.
I don’t know why installation process do not make a recursive search into lazarus for all needed files or why not add these paths automatically when it compiles every interface.

It’s the linker, which could not find the object files. Where the linker looks for them?
But i can try to modify Lazarus config files, but which ones? Also, Lazarus is not yet built, maybe FreePascal config files should be modified?