“It took a while, but QNX 8 is now free for non-commercial use. Along with access to the software development platform (SDP), users get a Raspberry Pi 4 image, which serves as the basis for learning about the OS, prototyping, research activity and hobbyist projects. If you want to get acquainted with QNX, you can try the book I wrote for use with this image. Source code, PDF and HTML versions are available here.”
The name was an abbreviation for “Quick Unix” because the trademarked “Unix” brand couldn’t be used in the name. It’s claim to fame in the 90’s was that you could download the entire runtime environment plus a web browser on a single 1.44MiB floppy disk.
There are no screenshots because QNX is an embedded operating system, rather than a desktop-oriented one. Nevertheless, you can run a desktop on it, as you can see from the screenshots here (full disclosure: this is my blog):
You may be especially interested in the one under “Development”. I have a soft spot for BeOS, and my very first commit as a kernel developer was a serial driver for OpenBeOS…
Thanks! QNX has a new kernel, which I’ve been working on since 2019. It’s still, and will remain, a commercial OS, with no intent of being a FOSS alternative. Nevertheless, people who want to try it out have a free option now.
Mmm, a new kernel! Notwithstanding that you say that it is closed source, but how does it compare with Haiku’s NewOS derived kernel? I speculate they might be quite similar because Haiku is also a realtime posix system.
The kernel is closed source, but the documentation is freely available. The main difference is that it’s a micro-kernel based system, so most OS components (file system, network stack, all hardware drivers) run as individual user-mode processes, communicating via message passing.
Many projects build out of the box, or with just small tweaks (the same way you need to tweak for Haiku, or *BSD). Anything graphical requires either the use of a common toolkit (such as Qt) or a native port to the QNX Screen compositor, as QNX doesn’t use X11.
From a desktop standpoint the biggest problem is a browser. We have a Chromium port, but it’s incredibly hard to maintain. I haven’t looked at how that works for Haiku, unless there are some seriously dedicated volunteers involved
Right, WebPositive uses WebKit. I actually built the latest WebKit (both Qt and GTK) on QNX, but didn’t find a browser shell that uses the engine (Otter came closest, but it’s unmaintained). It’s also lacking multimedia integration.
Perhaps you will have more sucess with WPE, it lowers the bar for a browser chrome (a shell) a bit by beeing opinionated and providing a stable interface to webkit.
qtwebkit, apart from a unfinished project for its revival, is unmaintained upstream and also stuck ln webkitlegacy.
Webkitgtk works, the main chrome to use for it is gnome web, but iirc there are spme dirivities of that aswell.
To impress not just the embedded developers, consider to publish a vm image which boots into your desktop. Slap a compiler toolchain on top of it for even bigger impact.