Python3 django framework bug

Hello guys,

I am trying to foce myself to use Haiku as my development environment for the django python framework. When I am creating a site and using “python3 runserver” (lauching the basic django development webserver) a bug occurs. What can I do to help solve this issue? A dump core file can be available.


Paste the relevant part of the error, so we can have a peek. Information is not enough to give you a clear answer.

Django version, error str, for example.

python 3, django 2.1.2

copying the beginning of the bug report:

Debug information for team /boot/system/bin/python3.6m (933):
CPU(s): 4x Intel Core™ i5-3230M
Memory: 7.68 GiB total, 847.24 MiB used
Haiku revision: hrev52295+96 Sep 27 2018 18:48: (x86_64)

Active Threads:
thread 933: python3 (main)
thread 936: team 933 debug task
thread 935: pthread func
state: Exception (Segment violation)

	Frame		IP			Function Name
	0x7fcdb47f3d00	0xff3ce0a95c	_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 0xc 
			0x000000ff3ce0a950:               55  push %rbp
			0x000000ff3ce0a951:           4889e5  mov %rsp, %rbp
			0x000000ff3ce0a954:               53  push %rbx
			0x000000ff3ce0a955:   4881ec581b0000  sub $0x1b58, %rsp
			0x000000ff3ce0a95c:   4889bda8e4ffff  mov %rdi, -0x1b58(%rbp) <--

		Frame memory:
			Unavailable (Bad address)
	0x7fcdb47f3d40	0xff3ce0a94c	PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 0x45 
	0x7fcdb47f3f70	0xff3ce1b6f8	_PyEval_EvalCodeWithName + 0xfbb 
	0x7fcdb47f4040	0xff3ce1db0c	fast_function + 0x1d4 
	0x7fcdb47f40f0	0xff3ce1d71b	call_function + 0x380 
	0x7fcdb47f5c60	0xff3ce17da3	_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 0xd453 
	0x7fcdb47f5ca0	0xff3ce0a94c	PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 0x45 
	0x7fcdb47f5ed0	0xff3ce1b6f8	_PyEval_EvalCodeWithName + 0xfbb 
	0x7fcdb47f5fa0	0xff3ce1db0c	fast_function + 0x1d4 
	0x7fcdb47f6050	0xff3ce1d71b	call_function + 0x380

This is a crash of the python runtime and should be reported to the haikuports bugtracer (