Progress on running Haiku on VisionFive 2

Well my “image” is just the compiled environment. None of the bugs have been fixed yet.
You will still need to tell U_Boot how to find the nvme volume. When I get home I will attempt to share my image with you, but you will still need to update the firmware.

If you scroll way up, using Arch Linux is pretty easy to update the firmware on the VisionFive2 following the well written steps.

After that, you’ll need a uart console capable of interacting with the board, I use Minicom from my laptop.


Make sure you rebuild before you upload anything- there’s been several updates over the last few days since you last posted about your success in building it.

I would recommend people learn to build it themselves. It really doesn’t take long on a relaltively decent x86 laptop or desktop - you can build both the tool chain and the Haiku image in less than 20 minutes on an average i7.

Be aware that even if you do get it to boot, you can’t install stuff from Haiku depot so if you’re not willing to type a few commands and get your hands dirty by building your own image, I don’t think Haiku on riscv is for you yet because making it useful currently requires building all your own packages.

The VF2 Haiku images contains next to nothing so no web browser, media players etc. You get Tracker, the Terminal and not much else.


I agree. I sent it to them privately. But its exactly the same thing they could have compiled themselves on any machine, which is exactly what I did.

This weekend I hope to work on the project more.

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I see your post when you got it to boot has had twice as many likes as mine when I got it to boot before you and also posted the build instructions, presumably because you posted a pic and I didn’t bother.




Got an extra one now :smiley:

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+1 from me too

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With additional packages it is possible to run MediaPlayer and NetSurf.


You haven’t created a repo / FTP site of riscv .hpkg files anywhere yet have you?

I presume this or ideally Haiku depot support for rv64 won’t happen until the VF2 code is upstreamed.

What we need for an official Haiku repository is a Risc-V machine to build the package. It doesn’t strictly need to be upstreamed, but it should be run by someone fully trusted (this probably mean someone with commit access?) since it will build packages that are hosted by haiku and distributed to all users.

The machine needs to be always on, and connected to the “buildmaster” service that schedules the builds and uploads the packages.

Of course, in the long term we’ll want the machine to run an official release of Haiku, but it doesn’t have to start that way. And it should be possible to do this in a virtual machine as well (it may even be easier to set it up that way?)


This is probably not a problem because @kallisti5 already have it. The problem is setup build infrastructure, various HaikuPorter build master things that I know nothing about.

It should be possible to run Haiku riscv64 in QEMU or RVVM with SSH access (SSH packages are compiled) or finally implement proper cross compilation in HaikuPorter.


See buildmaster needs to leverage object storage · Issue #258 · haikuports/haikuporter · GitHub

We’re flat out of space on our infrastructure. It’s a blocker to builders for arm64, riscv64, etc. Moving any of those shared directories to object storage would free up space.

(tldr; this design consideration in buildmaster i’ve been complaining about and raising as an issue for 3-4 years now)


Audio - :checkered_flag: driver port needed.
Ethernet - :checkered_flag: driver in-progress
USB - :white_check_mark: 2.0 used on port Some issues remaining.
Video - :white_check_mark: FB driver used.
Wireless / BT - :checkered_flag: No BT. Test compatibles.


I rebuilt Haiku for the VF2 today and the hub issue is still not fixed - you cannot use a USB keyboard and mouse at the same time, along with various other USB issues. USB audio still seems to be broken too.

cocobean: hda audio has nothing to do with the VF2. Either someone writes an audio driver for Haiku or we manage to get USB audio working well enough for playback.



  • Support FFmpeg / MediaKit / MediaPlayer on RISCV64 :white_check_mark: :wink:
  • Support PWMDAC interface :checkered_flag:
    • Support audio playback through 3.5mm audio jack interface

It seems to me that getting proper user interface input working is much more important than testing audio support. While it will be lovely to watch your favorite videos someday, I want to be able to use keyboard and mouse at the same time.

One thing at a time, I think.

Currently building the latest versions for more testing.


The improved MMC automated nightly image build was added with more multimedia packages. We should compare…

See: Booting Haiku with EDK2 (RISC-V) - Help - Haiku Community (

@kallisti5 uploaded package binaries needed to build Haiku nightly profile, so it now possible to build Haiku with @nightly-mmc profile. It will have MediaPlayer, Pe, gcc etc…


I must not have cloned the proper directory, or I have something configured incorrectly.
When trying to build @nightly-mmc jam complains about a bunch of packages not being available, and then says Build Profile nightly-mmc not defined. I tried @minimum-mmc with the new "HAIKU_REVISION=hrev57091, but I got the same thing.

Trying to read through the documentation for building from source, I do not really understand what my problem is, except those packages are not on my local machine.

Are you sure that you use latest version (dwmac: sync clock and reset drivers · X547/haiku@7922100 · GitHub)? Also you still need to run git checkout rvvm2 -- build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts/riscv64. rvvm2 branch is needed to be updated too.