My situation:
Using an Acer emachine intel Atom processor, 2gb, 160gb hd with Haiku-os 64bit installed.
Objective: To create a 32 Haiku-os usb stick to use to install on an Acer Aspire 1350 - which doesn’t boot from usb.
Limitation: Only have CD burning - not DVD.
Have a recent 32bit Nightly on a CD as its less than the 700MB limit, but on booting goes to: ‘Haiku Loader’ …with Can not continue booting (Boot volume is not valued.)
I have the option to choose another boot option but my 64bit usb stick is rejected as it 32 bit is required.
Solution: Would be to create a 32bit Haiku-os usb stick
…but :
Downloaded a 32bit Haiku-os ISO file.
Prepared the USB stick…using DriveSetup
Did the ‘diskimage register’ cli requirement.
But when I get onto the Installer process, the 32bit iso is ignored - not listed as an option and so creates a USB using wots on the HD including all the additional software Ive installed - resulting in a 64bit USB instead of 32bit.
Does one have to have a machine running 32bit Haiku to create a 32bit stick?
Why do the instructions state to download an iso file when its just going to use what ever is on the Haiku HD ?
… dd if=haiku-r1beta4-x86_gcc2h-anyboot.iso of=/dev/disk/usb/0 bs=1M
dd: error writing ‘/dev/disk/usb/0’: Is a directory
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes copied, 2.64235 s, 0.0 kB/s
When the CD is burnt, I letting the process verify the process was completed correctly.
Im having issues with doing the sha256 check - get different numbers…but I may be doing it wrong ie:
shasum -a 256 ~/Downloads/
shasum -a 256 ~/Downloads/
just tried unzipping the iso to see if that helps:
shasum -a 256 ~/Downloads/haiku-master-hrev57801-x86_gcc2h-anyboot/haiku-master-hrev57801-x86_gcc2h-anyboot.iso
Ive not used shasum before…seems less trouble with other checksums.
Can anyone gget a matching result ? …if so could they please tell me how…this is with a nightly 32bit download.
Im not sure how I open that…or do I just remove the sha256 from the name, making it a zip file ?
aha - using an old iMac for downloads, and had to install required software…and the result:
…so the download is correct.
Next stage - copy to an old iBook to make the CD.
(By the way Ive moved on from trying to make a 32bit USB stick on a 64bit Haiku-os - just wont work…so focus is on making a bootup CD using a nightly as its less than 700mb.)