Problems with Qt apps

I tried to install Qt today, downloaded the zip-file and expanded it into /boot. For all applications I try to run I get the following error message:

“Could not open “” (Missing libraries:”

What do I need to do to be able to run Qt applications? I’m running Haiku revision 35012.

You need to either run Haiku gcc2hybrid or gcc4hybrid ( or Haiku gcc4 which will not allow running BeOS apps ).

Qt is compiled with gcc4. You are missing the gcc4 libraries required to run Qt applications. One of the above versions will fix that for you. Download & install.

Thank you, tonestone57! I figured it was something like that.

Is there any reason not to run one of the hybrid versions?

The hybrid versions are the better choice of course but I listed all 3 possible options for you to choose.

Haiku’s official release is gcc2hybrid but if you want to run lots of gcc4 applications then I’d suggest going for gcc4hybrid instead - both will work but gcc4hybrid should have no or very few issues with gcc4 programs and still be very compatible with gcc2 programs.

"The hybrid versions are the better choice of course " +1

With gcc4hybrid you will have Qt apps + modern games + lots of stuff