Problems enabling smp on BeOS 5 using dual P3 cpus

0 pair(s) found

5 pair(s) found

input_server: clone_area() error!

input_server: load_add_on(Switcher) success

input_server: instantiating filter Switcher

input_server: load_add_on(WSServerFilter) success

input_server: instantiating filter WSServerFilter

input_server: load_add_on(screen_saver) success

input_server: instantiating filter screen_saver

input_server: load_add_on(MenuKey) success

input_server: instantiating device MenuKey

input_server: registering device Menu Key Device 0 0 from MenuKey

input_server: load_add_on(keyboard) success

input_server: instantiating device keyboard

input_server: StartMonitoringDevice input/keyboard/usb

usbd: [std_ops] std_ops(1)

usbd: [std_ops] loading

usbd: [init_busses] loading module 'busses/usb/ohci/v2'

OHCI: std_ops(): 


OHCI: ohci_init(): built at Feb 22 2001 13:35:22

OHCI: std_ops(): 


usbd: [init_busses] loading module 'busses/usb/uhci/v2'

UHCI: std_ops(): 


UHCI: uhci_init(): built at Feb 22 2001 13:35:15

UHCI: new_hcd_info(): 

UHCI: hc = 0x0102d000

UHCI: frame_list_base = 028e8000

UHCI: io_base = 0xef80, intr_line = 0x09

UHCI: new_roothub_info(0x0102d000), rh = 0x0102c2b0

UHCI: anchor_qh.own_pa = 028ea212

UHCI: Checking legacy support: USBCMD = 0041, PCI_USB_LEGKEY = 0030

usbd: [hcd_cb] adding bus number 0 which allows 0 page boundry crossings

.[31menum:.[0m init_enum()

.[31menum:.[0m bus 0 online

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 1, slot entry 1, ptr = 0x01009dd0

UHCI: create_endpoint(): 0x0102d000, 0x01009e64, 0x600d3040, 0, 1

UHCI: td_num = 8, max_packets_in_row = 1, ioc_period = 4

UHCI: TD cbuf: tds @0x0102fcf0, tds[0].own_pa 028eacf0

UHCI: new ep = 0x01009e80

UHCI: endpoint @0x01009e80:

.hc         0x0102d000

.ep_addr    0

.dev_addr   0

.low_speed  1

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 2, slot entry 2, ptr = 0x01009e48

UHCI: create_endpoint(): 0x0102d000, 0x0102fe54, 0x600d3040, 0, 0

UHCI: td_num = 8, max_packets_in_row = 2, ioc_period = 4

UHCI: TD cbuf: tds @0x0102ff10, tds[0].own_pa 028eaf10

UHCI: new ep = 0x0102fe70

UHCI: endpoint @0x0102fe70:

.hc         0x0102d000

.ep_addr    0

.dev_addr   0

.low_speed  0

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 3, slot entry 3, ptr = 0x0102fe38

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 4, slot entry 4, ptr = 0x01030058

usbd: [set_address] setting address 1 for device 0x01030058

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 5, slot entry 5, ptr = 0x010301d0

UHCI: create_endpoint(): 0x0102d000, 0x0103025c, 0xfd0459cc, 1, 0

UHCI: get_descriptor() returns 1

UHCI: td_num = 8, max_packets_in_row = 2, ioc_period = 4

UHCI: TD cbuf: tds @0x01030330, tds[0].own_pa 028eb330

UHCI: new ep = 0x01030290

UHCI: endpoint @0x01030290:

.hc         0x0102d000

.ep_addr    0

.dev_addr   1

.low_speed  0

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 6, slot entry 6, ptr = 0x01030240

usbd: [load_configs] For loop, i = 0, count = 1

usbd: [load_configs] got real config descr. prepare to parse

usbd: [load_configs] 1 interfaces, 1 endpoints, 0 generic

usb version:             1.00

class/subclass/protocol: 9 / 0 / 0

max packet size 0:       8

vendor/product id:       0x07a4 / 0xbe05

device version:          1.00

manufacturer (text):     Be Incorporated

product (text):          UHCI Root Hub

serial number (text):    <NONE>

num_configurations:      1

[Configuration 1]

number interfaces:       1

configuration_value:     1

configuration (text):    <NONE>

attributes:              0xe0

max power (mA):          0

UHCI: get_descriptor() returns 1

UHCI: get_descriptor() returns 1

UHCI: get_descriptor() returns 1

UHCI: get_descriptor() returns 1

UHCI: get_descriptor() returns 1

UHCI: get_descriptor() returns 1

UHCI: get_descriptor() returns 1

  [Interface 1]

  interface number:        0

  alternate setting:       0

  number endpoints:        1

  class/subclass/protocol: 9 / 0 / 0

  interface:               <NONE>

    [Endpoint 1]

    endpoint type:           Interrupt

    endpoint address:        1 (IN)

    max packet size:         1

    interval (ms):           255

usbd: [new_device] new device (/0)

usbd: [do_notify] do_notify(0x01030058, 0)

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 7, slot entry 7, ptr = 0x01030560

UHCI: create_endpoint(): 0x0102d000, 0x010305ec, 0x01030526, 1, 0

UHCI: td_num = 2, max_packets_in_row = 1, ioc_period = 1

UHCI: TD cbuf: tds @0x010306c0, tds[0].own_pa 028eb6c0

UHCI: new ep = 0x01030620

UHCI: endpoint @0x01030620:

.hc         0x0102d000

.ep_addr    129

.dev_addr   1

.low_speed  0

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 8, slot entry 8, ptr = 0x010305d0

.[31menum:.[0m hub /0 configured

.[31menum:.[0m new hub (/0), 2 ports, 0 ms delay, 0 ma

.[31menum:.[0m bus 0 root hub 0x01030058

usbd: [register_driver] driver "hid" registered

usbd: [install_notify] driver "hid" requests notify(), hooks @ 0x600c7224

usbd: [inform] searching children of hub @ 0x01030058

.[31menum:.[0m /0:0 - CONNECTED POWER_ON  (connected child, resetting)

.[31mhid.[0m: published 0 devices

usbd: [uninstall_notify] driver "hid" requests no more notify()

usbd: [std_ops] std_ops(2)

usbd: [std_ops] uninit request - not unloading

++++++++ init_driver kb_mouse built May 26 2000 12:35:15

kb_mouse: wait_status (01, 01) timed out after 10 ms

kb_mouse: wait_status (01, 01) timed out after 10 ms

get_data error: output buffer empty!

got 0x55 after 1 retries

got a 0 after 0 retries

Found a keyboard!

Enabling aux interface worked!

kb_mouse: wait_status (01, 01) timed out after 10 ms

Found a PS2 mouse!

kb_mouse: wait_status (01, 01) timed out after 10 ms

kbmouse init_driver: success!

uninit_driver kb_mouse

input_server: watch_node -> B_WATCH_DIRECTORY

++++++++ init_driver kb_mouse built May 26 2000 12:35:15

kb_mouse: wait_status (01, 01) timed out after 10 ms

kb_mouse: wait_status (01, 01) timed out after 10 ms

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 9, slot entry 9, ptr = 0x00ff8158

get_data error: output buffer empty!

usbd: [set_address] setting address 2 for device 0x00ff8158

got 0x55 after 1 retries

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 10, slot entry 10, ptr = 0x00ff8260

got a 0 after 0 retries

UHCI: create_endpoint(): Found a keyboard!

0x0102d000, 0x00ff82ac, 0xfc01fee0, 2, 0

Enabling aux interface worked!

UHCI: td_num = 8, max_packets_in_row = 2, ioc_period = 4

kb_mouse: wait_status (01, 01) timed out after 10 ms

UHCI: Found a PS2 mouse!

TD cbuf: tds @0x00ff84a0, tds[0].own_pa 0287f4a0

kb_mouse: wait_status (01, 01) timed out after 10 ms

UHCI: new ep = 0x00ff8420

kbmouse init_driver: success!

UHCI: endpoint @0x00ff8420:

kbmouse open 'input/keyboard/at/0'

.hc         0x0102d000

.ep_addr    0

.dev_addr   2

.low_speed  0

opening AT keyboard

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 11, slot entry 11, ptr = 0x00ff8290

!!no scancode file - use built in table

usbd: [load_configs] For loop, i = 0, count = 1

input_server: registering device AT Keyboard 1 8002d618 from keyboard

usbd: [load_configs] got real config descr. prepare to parse

input_server: load_add_on(mouse) success

usbd: [load_configs] 2 interfaces, 2 endpoints, 2 generic

input_server: instantiating device mouse

usb version:             2.00

input_server: StartMonitoringDevice input/mouse/usb

class/subclass/protocol: 0 / 0 / 0

input_server: watch_node -> B_WATCH_DIRECTORY

max packet size 0:       8

kbmouse open 'input/mouse/ps2/0'

vendor/product id:       0x046d / 0xc534

SUccessfully enabled PS2 mouse

device version:          29.01

manufacturer (text):     Logitech

kbmouse open 'input/mouse/serial/0'

product (text):          USB Receiver

input_server: registering device PS/2 Mouse 0 8002d9b0 from mouse

serial number (text):    <NONE>

input_server: load_add_on(serial_mouse) success

num_configurations:      1

input_server: instantiating device serial_mouse

[Configuration 1]

number interfaces:       2

configuration_value:     1

configuration (text):    RQR29.01_B0016

attributes:              0xa0

max power (mA):          98

  [Interface 1]

  interface number:        0

lucent hardware not located.

  alternate setting:       0

  number endpoints:        1

  class/subclass/protocol: 3 / 1 / 1

  interface:               <NONE>

    [Endpoint 1]

    endpoint type:           Interrupt

    endpoint address:        1 (IN)

    max packet size:         8

    interval (ms):           8

    [Unknown Descriptor]

    09 21 11 01 00 01 22 3b 00 

  [Interface 2]

  interface number:        1

  alternate setting:       0

  number endpoints:        1

  class/subclass/protocol: 3 / 1 / 2

  interface:               <NONE>

    [Endpoint 1]

    endpoint type:           Interrupt

    endpoint address:        2 (IN)

    max packet size:         20

    interval (ms):           2

error calling PnP BIOS (83)

    [Unknown Descriptor]

    Trying data port 0x20b

09 21 11 01 00 01 22 b1 00 

usbd: [new_device] new device (/0/0)

usbd: [do_notify] do_notify(0x00ff8158, 0)

PCI->PCI bridges not yet supported

rd = 0x010307b8, rd->driver_name = hid

PCI->PCI bridges not yet supported

do_republish(hid, (null))

PCI->PCI bridges not yet supported

do_republish(hid, (null)) done

PCI->PCI bridges not yet supported

do_republish(hid, (null))

PCI->PCI bridges not yet supported

do_republish(hid, (null)) done

PCI->PCI bridges not yet supported

usbd: [_repub_cb] about to republish usb devices

usbd: [_repub_cb] ## republishing hid

publish_command(hid): start

usbd: [register_driver] driver "hid" registered

BeOS PCMCIA Card Services 3.0.14

usbd: [install_notify] driver "hid" requests notify(), hooks @ 0x600c7224

  options:  [pci] [cardbus]

usbd: [inform] searching children of hub @ 0x01030058

usbd: [inform] telling "hid" about device @ 0x00ff8158

Intel PCIC probe: usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 12, slot entry 12, ptr = 0x011026a8

not found.

UHCI: create_endpoint(): 0x0102d000, 0x011055d4, 0x00ff86db, 2, 0

BeOS PCMCIA Card Services 3.0.14

UHCI:   options:  [pci] [cardbus]

td_num = 2, max_packets_in_row = 1, ioc_period = 1

Intel PCIC probe: UHCI: not found.

TD cbuf: tds @0x010e6950, tds[0].own_pa 02be4950

BeOS PCMCIA Card Services 3.0.14

UHCI:   options:  [pci] [cardbus]

new ep = 0x010e6810

Intel PCIC probe: UHCI: endpoint @0x010e6810:

not found.

.hc         0x0102d000

.ep_addr    129

.dev_addr   2

.low_speed  0

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 13, slot entry 13, ptr = 0x011055b8

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 14, slot entry 14, ptr = 0x010bea98

UHCI: create_endpoint(): 0x0102d000, 0x0104a94c, 0x00ff86f4, 2, 0

UHCI: td_num = 2, max_packets_in_row = 1, ioc_period = 1

UHCI: TD cbuf: tds @0x010e6770, tds[0].own_pa 02be4770

UHCI: new ep = 0x010e66d0

UHCI: endpoint @0x010e66d0:

.hc         0x0102d000

.ep_addr    130

.dev_addr   2

.low_speed  0

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 15, slot entry 15, ptr = 0x0104a930

.[31mhid.[0m: adding keyboard

.[31mhid.[0m: adding mouse

.[31mhid.[0m: publishing input/keyboard/usb/0

.[31mhid.[0m: publishing input/mouse/usb/0

.[31mhid.[0m: published 2 devices

usbd: [uninstall_notify] driver "hid" requests no more notify()

usbd: [uninstall_notify] unbinding dev 0x00ff8158, cookie 0x00000009

usbd: [put_device] device /0/0 refcount--, now 0

usbd: [put_device] unconfiguring

usbd: [put_usb_id] removed id 12 from the table

usbd: [put_usb_id] removed id 13 from the table

UHCI: cancel_transfers(): 0x010e6810

UHCI: cancel_transfers(): 0x010e6810 done

UHCI: destroy_endpoint(): 0x010e6810

UHCI: endpoint_intr_remove_from_schedule(): 0x010e6810

UHCI: endpoint_intr_remove_from_schedule(): 0x010e6810 done

UHCI: destroy_endpoint(): 0x010e6810 done

usbd: [put_usb_id] removed id 14 from the table

usbd: [put_usb_id] removed id 15 from the table

UHCI: cancel_transfers(): 0x010e66d0

UHCI: cancel_transfers(): 0x010e66d0 done

UHCI: destroy_endpoint(): 0x010e66d0

UHCI: endpoint_intr_remove_from_schedule(): 0x010e66d0

UHCI: endpoint_intr_remove_from_schedule(): 0x010e66d0 done

UHCI: destroy_endpoint(): 0x010e66d0 done

usbd: [std_ops] std_ops(2)

usbd: [std_ops] uninit request - not unloading

publish_command(hid) done

usbd: [_repub_cb] done republishing usb devices

usbd: [register_driver] driver "hid" registered

.[31menum:.[0m /0:0 - CONNECTED ENABLED POWER_ON  (connected child, resetting)

usbd: [install_notify] driver "hid" requests notify(), hooks @ 0x600c7224

usbd: [inform] searching children of hub @ 0x01030058

usbd: [inform] telling "hid" about device @ 0x00ff8158

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 16, slot entry 16, ptr = 0x0112b400

UHCI: create_endpoint(): 0x0102d000, 0x01139fec, 0x00ff86db, 2, 0

UHCI: td_num = 2, max_packets_in_row = 1, ioc_period = 1

UHCI: TD cbuf: tds @0x0113a0c0, tds[0].own_pa 02f1d0c0

UHCI: new ep = 0x0113a020

.[31menum:.[0m /0:0 - CONNECTED ENABLED POWER_ON  (reset ack)

UHCI: endpoint @0x0113a020:

.hc         0x0102d000

.ep_addr    129

.dev_addr   2

.low_speed  0

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 17, slot entry 17, ptr = 0x01139fd0

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 18, slot entry 18, ptr = 0x00eb7898

UHCI: create_endpoint(): 0x0102d000, 0x00c9ca34, 0x00ff86f4, 2, 0

UHCI: td_num = 2, max_packets_in_row = 1, ioc_period = 1

UHCI: TD cbuf: tds @0x00eb6ef0, tds[0].own_pa 02539ef0

UHCI: new ep = 0x01106cf0

UHCI: endpoint @0x01106cf0:

.hc         0x0102d000

.ep_addr    130

.dev_addr   2

.low_speed  0

usbd: [get_usb_id] assigned new usb id 19, slot entry 19, ptr = 0x00c9ca18

.[31mhid.[0m: adding keyboard

.[31mhid.[0m: adding mouse

input_server: registering device USB Keyboard 1 1 8002df50 from keyboard

input_server: registering device USB Mouse 1 0 8002dd68 from mouse

input_server: starting device Menu Key Device (0) in MenuKey

input_server: starting device PS/2 Mouse (0) in mouse

input_server: starting device USB Mouse 1 (0) in mouse

input_server: starting device AT Keyboard (1) in keyboard

input_server: starting device USB Keyboard 1 (1) in keyboard

flo_init: cyl_map[0].address = 0x00001000 size = 00004800

flo_init: cyl_map[1].address =        0 size = 00000000

floppy uninit()

flo_init: cyl_map[0].address = 0x00001000 size = 00004800

flo_init: cyl_map[1].address =        0 size = 00000000

IDE -- init_v06:

IDE PCI - intwait: timeout - status: 0x50, bm-status: 0x64

regs: 0x00, 0x02, 0x18, 0x00, 0x02, 0x3c

IDE ATAPI -- request_sense: no media, ascq 00

IDE ATAPI -- configure_device: drive dma mode: 0x12

IDE ATAPI -- configure_device: controller dma mode: 0x12

IDE PCI - intwait: timeout - status: 0x50, bm-status: 0x24

regs: 0x00, 0x80, 0x18, 0x00, 0xb8, 0x75

IDE ATAPI -- request_sense: no media, ascq 00

IDE ATAPI -- configure_device: drive dma mode: 0x01

IDE ATAPI -- configure_device: controller dma mode: 0x00

IDE -- uninit:

IDE ATA -- control: unknown ioctl 0x000027d7

IDE ATA -- configure_dma: drive dma mode: 0x12

IDE ATA -- configure_dma: controller dma mode: 0x12

IDE ATA -- configure_overlap: device doesn't support overlapped commands

IDE ATA -- get_bios_driveinfo: ata/1/0 match bios drive 0x81

IDE ATA -- control: unknown ioctl 0x000027d7

IDE ATA -- control: unknown ioctl 0x000027d7

IDE ATA -- control: unknown ioctl 0x000027d7

IDE -- init_v06:

IDE PCI - intwait: timeout - status: 0x50, bm-status: 0x64

regs: 0x00, 0x02, 0x18, 0x00, 0x02, 0x90

IDE ATAPI -- request_sense: no media, ascq 00

IDE ATAPI -- configure_device: drive dma mode: 0x12

IDE ATAPI -- configure_device: controller dma mode: 0x12

IDE PCI - intwait: timeout - status: 0x50, bm-status: 0x24

regs: 0x00, 0x80, 0x18, 0x00, 0xbc, 0x90

IDE ATAPI -- request_sense: no media, ascq 00

IDE ATAPI -- configure_device: drive dma mode: 0x01

IDE ATAPI -- configure_device: controller dma mode: 0x00

.[31m1394 bus manager:.[0m Error in get_module(busses/1394/aic5800/v1)

.[31m1394 bus manager:.[0m No 1394 busses found

symbios: sim_install()

unable to get 1394 module

adaptec: sim_path_inquiry()

adaptec: wide16

scsi_cam: path=0, devcount=16

emu10k: init_hardware()

emu10k: init_driver()

symbios: sim_install()

adaptec: sim_path_inquiry()

adaptec: wide16

scsi_cam: path=0, devcount=16

BeOS PCMCIA Card Services 3.0.14

  options:  [pci] [cardbus]

Intel PCIC probe: not found.

awe64: init_hardware()

awe64: init_driver()

cs4236: init_driver()

Sound Blaster DSP version 4.16 found at 0x220.

SB Reg 0x81 = 0x36

awe64: successfully found low area at 0x8000

awe64: uninit_driver()

.[36mvdsp:.[0m May 26 2000 12:39:58, init_driver()

.[36mvdsp:.[0m USBD loaded okay

opti931: init_hardware()

usbd: [register_driver] driver "mo" registered

opti931: init_driver()

usbd: [install_notify] driver "mo" requests notify(), hooks @ 0x603c6d48

3c9xx(B) Be99H-WOL 2/24/99

usbd: [inform] searching children of hub @ 0x01030058

(null): 3Com 3c905B Cyclone 100baseTx at 0xec00, ymf715: init_driver()

.[36mvdsp:.[0m publish_devices()

 00.[36mvdsp:.[0m uninit_driver()

:50usbd: [uninstall_notify] driver "mo" requests no more notify()

:da:5f:dc:f9, IRQ 9

  8K byte-wide RAM 5:3 Rx:Tx split, autoselect/Autonegotiate interface.

  MII transceiver found at address 24, status 7849.

auvia: init_hardware()

  MII transceiver found at address 0, status 7849.

  Enabling bus-master transmits and whole-frame receives.

Found 3Com Vortex/Boomerang cards found.1

sonorus: init_hardware() 12:39:21 May 26 2000

generic: hw found (1)

3c9xx(B) Be99H-WOL 2/24/99

(null): 3Com 3c905B Cyclone 100baseTx at 0xec00, awe64: init_driver()

Sound Blaster DSP version 4.16 found at 0x220.

 00SB Reg 0x81 = 0x36

:50awe64: successfully found low area at 0x8000

:daawe64: pcm_open()

:5f:dc:f9, IRQ 9

  8K byte-wide RAM 5:3 Rx:Tx split, autoselect/Autonegotiate interface.

awe64: successfully found low area at 0x8000

  MII transceiver found at address 24, status 7849.

  MII transceiver found at address 0, status 7849.

  Enabling bus-master transmits and whole-frame receives.

Found 3Com Vortex/Boomerang cards found.1

generic: hw found (1)

Storing TxRing

Storing RxRing

DmaCtrl was=      20, now=  310020

APM disabled on MP systems

APM disabled on MP systems

||| init: returning 0

PATH = /boot/apps/Switcher-1.0.4/Indicator, addon_id = 455

func_name = Instantiate__8DeskViewP8BMessage, err = No Error

PATH = /boot/apps/MemoChip86/MemoChip, addon_id = 461

func_name = Instantiate__10MCMiniIconP8BMessage, err = No Error

3c9xx(B) Be99H-WOL 2/24/99

(null): 3Com 3c905B Cyclone 100baseTx at 0xec00,  00:50:da:5f:dc:f9, IRQ 9

  8K byte-wide RAM 5:3 Rx:Tx split, autoselect/Autonegotiate interface.

  MII transceiver found at address 24, status 7849.

  MII transceiver found at address 0, status 7849.

  Enabling bus-master transmits and whole-frame receives.

Found 3Com Vortex/Boomerang cards found.1

generic: hw found (1)

Storing TxRing

Storing RxRing

DmaCtrl was=      20, now=  310020

PATH = /boot/home/config/bin/VolumeControl, addon_id = 490

func_name = Instantiate__10VolumeViewP8BMessage, err = No Error

awe64: DMA half-page is 2048

Interesting that BeOS 5 Pro is reporting a non-default SMP config, where I would have expected to be using a default config.

Wonder if the system freeze is related to these errors:

``Warning: absent MPS table interrupt entry for PCI bus 00, device 0e, pin 01."

Since this MB supports “Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 & Windows XP”–I expect the default would be MPS 1.4 and this MB was probably manufactured in the post-BeOS 5 era. That’s why Windows 2000 installs easily. So this MB may not be fully compatible with BeOS.

BeOS 5 runs pretty flawlessly on my Tyan S1836 with a pair of 450MHZ pentium III CPUs, which is funny because I hate tyan boards…


  • Normally, don’t install greater than 1GB RAM.
  • Don’t use MPS 1.4 - disable it and use MPS 1.1-only.
  • Disable APIC.
  • Check for secondary CPU activity during the BIOS boot screen. :fire: