Problem with binding to an ipv6 interface using icecast

Hello, I chose Haiku to run my streaming server for an internet radio station because its unique qualities make it suited to these kind of applications. However, with my connection to the internet, ipv4 is inaccessible from the outside because of carrier grade NAT, but ipv6 is unaffected. I have a domain name mapped to the haiku machine’s static ipv6 address, and its fully routable, but server applications seem to be unable to bind to the ipv6 interface. Icecast in particular is set to bind to :: in the config file (All interfaces on ipv6) but upon checking with netstat -l -6 it shows only a blank dash (not the ipv6 interface or port number) this seems to be a problem with the ipv6 implementation in this OS and don’t think it’s serious enough to file a bug report so that’s why I’m posting it here. If anyone has this problem with apache or any other servers or knows of a native solution then let me know.

No need, just post a bug instead ; )

It is known that the ipv6 stack still has problems (for example missing autoconfig), if dou hot around that and have another issue it would be good to report it to get it fixed…

(fwiw binding to a loopback adress worked for me)