Problem installing Haiku next to OpenSuse

Good evening;

I know it’s not very nice, but I’d like to ask you a question on Haiku I’ve already posted in openSuse forum. The question is the following:

With respect to this topic, I have to say that, now that I’ve disabled secure-boot (EFI) on my laptop, the error message I get is something like “not a bootable partition” (or maybe “root partition not found”…I don’t remember exactly).

Thank you very much

For the time being I suggest using a separate USB drive for Haiku.

i had some problems with installing haiku on a partition in virtualbox in the latest nightlies.
installing it directly on the disk works, but the installer seems to fail at creating an intel partition table and formating a single partition. haiku installs but after reboot i get a similar error.

try starting the installer again and see if the haiku partition is formated properly.

if you have this error, maybe you can run dd from suse and install the anyboot image
or try to format the partition as bfs from suse or from the latest alpha and then install the latest nightly
or buy a small usb (lame but works) and use that as the boot partition.

NOTE to devs: i don’t know if this is a known problem or not. i didn’t put a ticket because i just can’t get my head around how this ticket system works. maybe someone can do that and post me a link so i can upload some screenshots so everyone can see what is happening.

Since you have two hard drives, you can set up the main one to be UEFI booting with GPT partitioning (which is what modern operating systems use) while formatting the second drive (maximum 2 terabytes) with an old style partition table, and not GPT partitioning (may need to additionally wipe the last few hundred megabytes of the drive to get rid of the former GPT partitioning). If your BIOS supports legacy mode booting, you can boot the second drive, usually by hitting a function key while the computer turns on. The second drive can have GRUB installed in non-UEFI mode, or use the Haiku/BeOS BootManager for an easier install.

Anyway, at the moment Haiku doesn’t have a UEFI bootloader (it’s being worked on), so you have to use old style partitioning to get it to boot.

Same thing for making a USB memory stick - old style partitioning, not GPT, and use a non-UEFI boot loader.

It could be a good option, without have to going crazy for this… :slight_smile:

Thank you for the information!
it’s useful also because it explains a bit how things works.