Problem getting network interface to work in install of haiku a r3 in vmware fusion 4 for macosx

I downloaded initially the VM for r3 and that works fine. I can access the network. however the startup disk is quite small and can’t be resized.

So, I downloaded the .iso installer image and make a new VMware instance, and installed haiku. However, now I can’t get a network connection. In network control panel, no devices are listed. I have tried both in bridged modes and in NAT modes, sharing mac connection. Rebooted after each change for good measure.

However with listdev, I do see that the network controller is being detected.

It says

device Network controller (Ethernet controller) [2|0|0]
vendor 1022: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
device 2000: 79c970 [PCnet32 LANCE]

however, nothing ever shows up in network control panel and i cant browse the web.

Interestingly when I first tried to copy the results of listdev, the terminal froze. I had to force-kill it. Then on rebooting haiku, haiku froze entirely mid-startup. A bit spooky interms of instability… no big deal as I had just installed and just did a reinstall to fix it, but hopefully it will be more stable on an ongoing basis.

Thanks for any advice-


I tried this again using virtualbox 4.1.2 for mac os x 10.6.8.

Interestingly, had the exact same issue. No net connectivity, no devices showing up in network control panel. I’d like to get back into Haiku on Virtualbox to troubleshoot more (havent done a listdev), but I can’t boot into it again (see separate, virtualbox hangs thread).

Does Haiku not know how to use the device driver that was identified? Do I need to emulate something else or do some configuration on the OOB install to get networking working?

Use an Intel Pro 1000 virtual device instead of the PCnet32 one.

Edit your .VMX file and set the Ethernet device as follow:

ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"


Hey that worked! You’re the best! Thanks!

Is there a reason this doesnt work out of the box?

Anyway, I’m excited to have it working now, time to download software.

[quote=frankenburps]I tried this again using virtualbox 4.1.2 for mac os x 10.6.8.

Interestingly, had the exact same issue. No net connectivity, no devices showing up in network control panel. I’d like to get back into Haiku on Virtualbox to troubleshoot more (havent done a listdev), but I can’t boot into it again (see separate, virtualbox hangs thread).

Does Haiku not know how to use the device driver that was identified? Do I need to emulate something else or do some configuration on the OOB install to get networking working?[/quote]
What driver does it use? try intel driver :slight_smile:

[quote=frankenburps]Hey that worked! You’re the best! Thanks!

Is there a reason this doesnt work out of the box?

Anyway, I’m excited to have it working now, time to download software.[/quote]
No driver for that device.