Preparing a Latex environment in Haiku

Just send you a PM :slight_smile:

A screenshot made back then after porting TeXstudio over to Haiku :slight_smile:

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Both packages from Begasus are available here (as long as the transfers do not exceed my limits or location is abused in any way)
Big Thanks to Begasus, no warranties if it works or not on your system.

md5: d9763aeb211f1265b591b0908ec3fa3e
Size: over 2GB!

md5: 51c2ddbc015611813a2f60989a54532b
Size: over 2GB!


No problem, as said, no warranties :wink: I checked them out myself (and a few others), it’s still an old version -> 2014 but should get you started with it, thanks for providing a space to share them @pamen!

After installation the texlive 2014 needs to be configured
a) texconfig rehash (to recreate index)
b) tinker with tex to get correct Unicode support (especially if you use Lyx)
c) tinker with tex to get proper generation of dvi, pdf a.s.o.

this all would be easier if we could create a proper repository, Haiku Depot would support re-establishing broken connections (B3 plan as I see) and write some instructions or scripts how to get it working smoothly, like on Linux or Windows.

Albeit - it works like charm for me: with multiple languages (including Sanskrit, Greek, Polish German and some math ), pdf generation and all packages.



Nice!!! Which Application are you running it with? Looking into bumping TeXstudio to the latest version here atm

@humdinger seems that @pamen can’t react anymore here (for 17hours?), could you have a look?

He wasn’t suspended or anything. Dunno what’s the issue. I upped his credentials from new to basic user. Did that help?

Didn’t seem to …
EDIT this is the message he got:

“You’ve reached the maximum number of replies a new user can create on their first day. Please wait 16 hours before trying again.”

Local update to latest TeXstudio :slight_smile:
EDIT buildbots finished building latest version for TeXstudio, ready to install/update :slight_smile:


Tex Studio works fine, thanks Begasus!
Small note: it should really list as a dependency hunspell, so the installation is more round and includes at least spellchecker and minimal: language EN .

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Glad to see you are back :wink: Will have a look into that later

Sorry, got sidetracked (as usual) :slight_smile: in the recipe hunspell is already mentioned as a dependency, could you tell what’s missing, there are the dictionaries for myspell also if those could help (or maybe the search path in TeXstudio should be altered to find the dictionaries)?

I will check after work and try to find out why the spelling is complaining about missing hunspell.

Solved, but manually:
Tex Studio uses LibreOffice/OpenOffice dictionaries (so, sort of hunspell).
Hunspell is not available on Haiku, but not needed.
What is needed is to have some LibreOffice dictionaries in the depot (marked clearly) if the license allows it. I think it does.
End-user actions:

Hunspell is available on Haiku, so not sure what the problem is there, on the case of LO, you can download extensions/dictionaries for it and import them into LO (done it in the past)