Position 50

Thanks to some extra power from Sikosis we´re now in Slot 50… and we’re still moving up the ladder. Anyone more care to join the team?

And once again we’ve snatched a slot. we’re now up to slot 49 in production.

More users would be more than welcome.

Sign up for TeamHaiku.


Hi guys,

TeamHaiku is up to position 48.

What is also noticable is that support has grown a lot. Thank you all newcomers for joining up with the team. This will definitely increase our numbercrunching rate and take us up some positions more rapidly.

Good job

No problem; lets get 47 as soon as possible : )

Lets not forget if TeamHaiku got a prime; it’d be sweet - I mean, we’d love the publicity!

[Beta wrote:
"]No problem; lets get 47 as soon as possible : )

Lets not forget if TeamHaiku got a prime; it’d be sweet - I mean, we’d love the publicity!

That would be great :slight_smile:
I’m in - prof. Sierpinski lived in my country and city :slight_smile:

TeamHaiku just moved up to position 46 :!:

I got a 400Mhz Beos Machine running it.
Appears even a little boost helps.

Katisu wrote:
TeamHaiku just moved up to position 46 :!:

I got a 400Mhz Beos Machine running it.
Appears even a little boost helps.

Ahh well, you beat me to it. I noticed that too today. Position 46. I can also note that we’re keeping a higher speed than the upcoming teams, so in about 2-3 weeks I guess, we’ll be up to slot 45.

a 400mhz box makes a difference indeed, and if anyone else has some spare cycles, don’t doubt to jump on it =)

HaiCube wrote:
a 400mhz box makes a difference indeed, and if anyone else has some spare cycles, don't doubt to jump on it =)

Ok, you convinced me :wink:

I have it running on 3 machines now: PIII 600, P200MMX, and a Via C3 Ezra 800mhz (terribly slow, barely faster than the P200)

If I get a chance later, I’ll install it on my P4 at work that sits idle all night and weekends anyway.

HaiCube wrote:
Ahh well, you beat me to it. I noticed that too today. Position 46. I can also note that we're keeping a higher speed than the upcoming teams, so in about 2-3 weeks I guess, we'll be up to slot 45.

I’m seeing what I can do to improve that. I don’t expect it will be even 2 weeks. Although it would certainly help to have others jump in with whatever they have.

Katisu wrote:
I'm seeing what I can do to improve that. I don't expect it will be even 2 weeks. Although it would certainly help to have others jump in with whatever they have.

I’ll try to keep these machines running:

P4 3.4ghz (work machine - probably won’t contribute much during weekdays)
PIII 600 (primary home machine)
Via Ezra C3 800mhz (crap machine)
P200MMX (home file server)
Celeron 450mhz laptop (spare laptop at home)

I’m not sure how well the laptop will hold up as I’ll be monitoring it to make sure it doesn’t overheat.

I don’t have much else to contribute with here at home - I’ll see if I can get some people I work with to pitch in next week.

umccullough wrote:
I don't have much else to contribute with here at home - I'll see if I can get some people I work with to pitch in next week.

Spoke too soon, I forgot I had another machine at my disposal at work (well, it’s shared between me and one other guy - but neither of us use it much)…

It’s a PIII 800, and will probably be running 24x7 until someone needs to use it for something.

umccullough wrote:
umccullough wrote:
I don't have much else to contribute with here at home - I'll see if I can get some people I work with to pitch in next week.

Spoke too soon, I forgot I had another machine at my disposal at work (well, it’s shared between me and one other guy - but neither of us use it much)…

It’s a PIII 800, and will probably be running 24x7 until someone needs to use it for something.

Yah I surely noticed you’ve jumped onboard. Our production rate has increased A LOT. WE produce as the 17th fastest team, and our production rate is up enough to make those 2-3 weeks more like 1 week.

Thank you for support.

HaiCube wrote:
Yah I surely noticed you've jumped onboard. Our production rate has increased A LOT. WE produce as the 17th fastest team, and our production rate is up enough to make those 2-3 weeks more like 1 week.

Thank you for support.

I actually got my mother-in-law to let me install on her P4 2.8ghz machine also - but since it’s a dialup, it doesn’t submit until she’s online.

My P4 3.4ghz machine and the PIII800 went offline most of yesterday due to a power outage at work - so that hurt my production :frowning:

I was producing between 2M and 2.5M up to that point :smiley:

No problem, I’ve never been much interested in distributed projects, but for Haiku, I realize that the “marketing” is worth it in this case :wink:

HaiCube wrote:
Yah I surely noticed you've jumped onboard. Our production rate has increased A LOT. WE produce as the 17th fastest team, and our production rate is up enough to make those 2-3 weeks more like 1 week.

Thank you for support.

I added my main machine 3GHz to the mix. However, it will probably have to come off at some point to do other work.

I got my 1.7GHz back up and running.
(It was my main machine until the original motherboard died.)

I have pieces for a 450 MHz which if I have the time, I’ll see if I can get it up an running.

I’m starting to think I’m using this as motivation to get these computers fixed up. Hopefully it will carry over to doing some programming.

Appears to be about four teams in front of us that are or are close to standing still. We will see how fast we can get by to the real competition.


Katisu wrote:
I added my main machine 3GHz to the mix. However, it will probably have to come off at some point to do other work.

I’m finding that the Idle priority is pretty unobtrusive on my work machine :slight_smile:

I hope everyone’s OK with me running this production entirely on Windows computers at this point :stuck_out_tongue: - I unfortunately can’t be running BeOS on any of my home machines either due to hardware incompatibility (SiS chipsets - yuck) or software (I use a lot of Windows software every day).

I’d love if Haiku got to the point that it had some DC clients that were runnable.

umccullough wrote:
Katisu wrote:
I added my main machine 3GHz to the mix. However, it will probably have to come off at some point to do other work.

I’m finding that the Idle priority is pretty unobtrusive on my work machine :slight_smile:

I hope everyone’s OK with me running this production entirely on Windows computers at this point :stuck_out_tongue: - I unfortunately can’t be running BeOS on any of my home machines either due to hardware incompatibility (SiS chipsets - yuck) or software (I use a lot of Windows software every day).

I’d love if Haiku got to the point that it had some DC clients that were runnable.

Same here dude, I’m also running it on Windows boxes. The thing is, as far as I’ve heard the BeOS client isn’t that stable.

Anyway, that you and Katisu has joined definitely show off in the numbers. We’ve increased speed dramatically. Also since you’re newcomes, I feel obliged to inform you that temporarily all comps doing SB17 crunch slower than usual due to some “odd” numbers being tested. This will change, and I would expect your rate to be higher (Note: I’m on 2,15M / day while I recently was up to 6M / day).

Oh and you’ve figured out my intentions very well, putting Haiku on the map somehow =)

HaiCube wrote:
Same here dude, I'm also running it on Windows boxes. The thing is, as far as I've heard the BeOS client isn't that stable.

Anyway, that you and Katisu has joined definitely show off in the numbers. We’ve increased speed dramatically. Also since you’re newcomes, I feel obliged to inform you that temporarily all comps doing SB17 crunch slower than usual due to some “odd” numbers being tested. This will change, and I would expect your rate to be higher (Note: I’m on 2,15M / day while I recently was up to 6M / day).

Oh and you’ve figured out my intentions very well, putting Haiku on the map somehow =)

Yeah, I figured that the BeOS client wasn’t terribly up-to-date eh? – especially since the client code is not “open-source” per-se.

I did catch the recent change to “slower” tests, so I wasn’t terribly surprised … if anything, the graphs show that TeamHaiku is nearly at the same level it was before the slowdown :wink:

We’re almost at the same daily rate as TeamBeos, which I actually find somewhat amusing - I predict we’ll surpass their daily rate within the next couple of days (I plan to harness some more power).

I nearly got another 3ghz P4 up today (another guy I work with) - but neither he or I had time to get it set up, so I’ll try again tomorrow.

HaiCube wrote:
Same here dude, I'm also running it on Windows boxes. The thing is, as far as I've heard the BeOS client isn't that stable.

I’ve seen the white screen of death already, but other than that it seems to have been running decently.

HaiCube wrote:
Anyway, that you and Katisu has joined definitely show off in the numbers. We've increased speed dramatically. Also since you're newcomes, I feel obliged to inform you that temporarily all comps doing SB17 crunch slower than usual due to some "odd" numbers being tested. This will change, and I would expect your rate to be higher (Note: I'm on 2,15M / day while I recently was up to 6M / day).

I appears that there are two more members - togs and razz.
I’m hoping togs is still running even though it appears to be a slower machine. razz is putting up good numbers.


Will stop at 200 G and resume later, at least after the slowdown.
TeamHaiku will make it! (wherever that point in time may be…)

I’m aiming for 1 T today – I think we can pull it off…i’m gonna try and add some more power this evening :wink: