Port repository - beta4 - not available

https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/r1beta4/ not found
https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/ forbidden

fixed by:

pkgman add-repo https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haiku/r1beta5/$(getarch)/current
pkgman add-repo https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/r1beta5/$(getarch)/current
pkgman full-sync

reading through Get Haiku! | Haiku Project

finally thanks, if you had not removed r1beta4, I would probably never realized there were a new version!

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Did you try pkgman full-sync after boot?

I did.
Before adding the repositories for beta5, it was saying ports repository not found.

Btw: This tab crash in Iceweasel, the reply button don’t work in Falkon, and I hope it will work in Web!

How did you see those error messages?

(It’s been a few month I couldn’t update my main BeOS VM, but I didn’t have time to investigate, would like to know where to look next time ^^)

Edit: there may be a mistake in the documentation, https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/r1beta5/$(getarch)/current should be https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/master/$(getarch)/current (or there is a missing tree on the package website)

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Ahoy @dufresnep ,

Of course, you can select any browser for your web activities,
but for Haiku services I really recommend Webpositive !.. :))

I admit I do not use ‘One Browser For All’ - so if you are such a user/person … just simply ignore my advice. :j


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