Please make a new software for Haiku, not only a port

Depends, is this even neccesary? on my desktop basically everything gets sniffed correctly, if you have something that does not you can create a ticket or make a patch and use the file db as inspiration.

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I’m not sure, but there was a complainant above. Having automatic integration could remove some effort and perhaps improve detection, I guess.

Collecting the data as opt-out instead of opt-in would be illegal.

Sharing the data publicly would also be illegal, or you’d have to make sure it is completely anonymized. Which means you completely prevent correlation with any other datapoint, if you do it right. So basically it just means a download counter in haikudepot.

I don’t think Haiku developers are more comfortable than you in collecting any data. Quite the opposite, probably. We don’t need or want to know. Also we all already know the result: there are maybe a few hundred users worldwide. That is not enough to support much commercial software development, and counting the users will just add another proof of that. If that wasn’t the case, we wouldn’t have just one single almost-full-time developer working on the OS (and even that is possible in large part only due to significant donations from Google, and accidental investment in cryptocurrencies; not user donations…)


this current forum is collecting quite a lot of user information (that is visible to yourself but also to the other users) and it is useful to all of us. If you don’t feel uncomfortable about the data collected by this forum, I wonder why this would be a problem if the same or similar data would be collected by the OS.
Even if there are not that many haiku users, I think it would be also for the core developers useful to know, which are the most used applications and for how long they are used, what kind of hardware is used… is it new… or older hardware.

I am not here to work from anonymous statistics. I am here to work on a small project with human-to-human interactions. That is a lot more motivating to me.


The kind of reasoning Microsoft uses to justify its telemetry, automatic updates and etc. ( soon to be in some linuxes near you … )

The important point is that Haiku chooses to be different. Just that. If I have to spend a lot of time post-installation disabling a lot of opt-outs from intrusive monitoring, or if people have to build “auto-cleaner” software to automate that disabling, then really, what is it worth ?

One application can have inside it the options for informing the mothership, if its developer thinks it is necessary. And its users will decide if they want to send that information, or not.

So, to keep with the general sentiment, do not annoy the users.


Agreed, talk to the community and find what they want with words, not by surveillance.


A proposal program for Haiku - Home IoT hub like domoticz, but not in serwer www.
All in Haiku GUI API. Please also consider the type of home bus for IoT, I met with the CAN bus. Maybe you know some solutions to the IoT problem from other backyards that may be useful?

You are right - IF the affected file is on BFS filesystem. On a mounted NTFS drive I cannot see progs that appears for an MP4 file on a BFS partition. Of course Mediaplayer will start to play it, but sometimes I prefer VLC as there is Sharpening from video filters - I use it for low resolution videos - so I have to start VLC first and drag and drop the file to play from that NTFS drive. (That sharpening feature still not available in Mediaplayer and does not work in QMPlay2 too ) And however I use Haiku daily actually - my external drive is from an earlier era and its partition was NTFS formatted.
Now thanks to devs’ efforts I can use NTFS generally, but it does not equally fit for Haiku. It is no complain just a fact to put a beam on it what it meant that MIME types “works” - there is an IF or rather WHEN.
Also it was interesting when I saved a picture file in one of Haiku (BeOS) editor ArtPaint or Wonderbrush I do not remember which one and modified a little, saved with the same .PNG file format and after that it became its default viewer when I clicked on. I changed a little bit with another editor where such tools were more convenient to use and saved the result also into .PNG … and then that editor was associated with the picture file. Fortunately it was not GIMP, as for viewing a picture I would think heavy tool to start a GIMP class editor :)) ( And of course I am not certain it would happen with GIMP as well - as I installed GIMP, but had not used yet on Haiku until now.)

Right. Would be cool if the FileTypes<->Extensions associations you can manage on the FileTypes preflet (and the preferred apps you can set there) worked/applied consistently for the rest of, lesser, filesystems.

NTFS supports extended attributes, sounds like a bug.

I will answer myself At that moment is growing up with a JavaScript solution.

We don’t support extended attributes on NTFS right now: #17385 ([NTFS] Add support for extended attributes and symlinks) – Haiku

There are some questions remaining about how we should implement them here, I think, but I haven’t looked into that very much.

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Yes, I ment that the filesystem itself supports it, your ticket confirms the bug as such

I see, thanks for your detailed answer.

Another problem, I written my own stand-alone programs for Haiku. But they are for my needs. So I have not published them since to the best of my knowledge no-one else needs a program that finds the two closest points in 6 or 8 dimensional space, or a program that designs ship’s hulls by rotating segments of circles or create S-Boxes by searching the entire values the S-Boxes could be.

See, I think many of the people programming Haiku, do it because Haiku makes it easy for them but does not mean others have uses for the same programs.

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How do you know that no one else might care? Is it for work or hobby?

I would now be interested in what the programs look like, just out of curiosity.

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I also often write software just to discover something, to be run only once (write, compile, run, forget). Sometimes, such a software is not as simple as it seems to be at first. So, your ideas very possible may be interesting for others.


A operating system should have applications that its users need,
not applications a developer thinks is necessary.


That assumes users and developers are distinct groups. This might be true in many cases for commercially developed software. But that’s not how a lot of open source software gets developed. In many cases developers of open source software develop software they use themselves.