I’m getting a checksum error on the Haiku package when trying to update my 32 bit Haiku installation:
100 % haiku_x86-r1~beta5_hrev58752-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg [6,52 Mio]
Checksum error:
*** expected '35197bd046d39d3d2fbe225f800d58e776a008013ea06eeb7524d011658717a6'
*** got 'ce94d283ef0850185b3d84d4d10d5eeb401deb3358e078e629e210bb2a78fe2c'*** Failed to download package haiku_x86: Bad data
I tried several times. I tried downloading the file from the depot using WebPositive, I got the same supposedly wrong checksum. pkgman refresh did not help either.
Is it a problem with the repositories again? I found #18115 ("Checksum error" while attempting to update packages from the Haiku repo.) – Haiku but that was resolved two years ago.