Pkgman checksum errors trying to update my 32 bit machine


I’m getting a checksum error on the Haiku package when trying to update my 32 bit Haiku installation:

100 % haiku_x86-r1~beta5_hrev58752-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg [6,52 Mio]
Checksum error:
*** expected '35197bd046d39d3d2fbe225f800d58e776a008013ea06eeb7524d011658717a6'
*** got      'ce94d283ef0850185b3d84d4d10d5eeb401deb3358e078e629e210bb2a78fe2c'*** Failed to download package haiku_x86: Bad data

I tried several times. I tried downloading the file from the depot using WebPositive, I got the same supposedly wrong checksum. pkgman refresh did not help either.

Is it a problem with the repositories again? I found #18115 ("Checksum error" while attempting to update packages from the Haiku repo.) – Haiku but that was resolved two years ago.

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The CDN sometimes caches package files wrongly or doesn’t update the cache after they’re changed. @kallisti5 reported this to the CDN itself, and they confirmed the bug but apparently have not fixed it.

I signed in to the admin console and purged the caches, see if that helps.

That worked. Now Terminal crashes immediately when trying to start it (hrev58752). And that problem disappeared after rebooting, so I’m not sure what happened…