Package management - GUI or not - show/compare/warn in case required/available BFS allocation size

Ladies and Gentlemen !

It is good to see that HaikuDepot features and its UI is under discussion and refactoring fixing, etc…
there is a more fundamental feature of all package managers - GUI or not - which is actually lacking : all of them.

This is generally
→ how much storage space the package itself
→ is there enough storage space to install it -
besides the OS services that uses diskspace as well
some used disk space dinamically changes actually, related to used disk space (I mean like the swap and who knows what others can be)

Once earlier I was quite surrised - I have 32 GB memory installed in this laptop, then was occuped so much diskspace, and found so … swap file was also about 31.5 GB, as automatical Virtual Memory management was ON. When I started to fullfill the diskspace I recognized that Haiku adapted and fortunately I had not get disk full event. At that time - as 128 GB diskspace was available.
However once in a Live install that was 1.4 GB and I had a huge appetite to probe apps, I could fullfill the Live image. Since then I have a 14 GB installer ! :smiley:
But on 32 bit I could run into this problem with SoftwareUpdater when I probed it in Live image … it was not enough free space to update the installed system, so I was not aware that this should not be tested in Live image. As in case Haiku it uses the diskspace not a ramdisk as it used to be on a Linux distro generally. There the persistent store is rare in Live images.

I remember so that someone asked howto remove Haiku Demo apps as he wanted to use the Live image USB longer, and also one person had a limited space on install disk or USB thumbdrive so they both wanted to free up diskspace after they run into similar issue of not enough free space available.

As a power user, in Terminal I can use
df -h
to check out diskspace before install, and have high hopes if there are plenty of free space in /boot then I would not have a broken install due to lack of enough free disk space …

So, I think … there would be written out the required free disk space per packages and in total amount if more packages would be installed
in pkgman,
in SoftwareUpdater
of course, HaikuDepot as well,
Moreover check / compare / show available free disk space …
and also warn the user : that selected install will fullfill the available free disk space.
In case GUI apps - even coloured bars would be helpful.

I hope some python programmer feel the calling to arms to start some development here.
At least as I red earlier on forum posts … pkgman enhancement needs
python language knowledge as it was written using it.
I know it’s more complex as packagefs should be known as well, but probably devs with enogh knowledge and lesser free time to spend on affective coding it would lend a helping hand, or so in this case rather I would say … invaluable knowledge. : D

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HaikuPorts was written in Python, not pkgman.

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