It’s working, all right. Go here: and download the hpkg from the link at the bottom of the page. That should give you something to work from (and it’s not too big). A mistake I made in the beginning in the .PackageInfo was to use
post-install-script {
because I only had one, right? But it really is
post-install-scripts {
Your example above didn’t make THAT particular error, but it shows how easily one can go astray. another easy mistake to make is
package create -b myGreatApp_1.2-3_x86_gcc2.hpkg
package add myGreatApp_1.2-3_x86_gcc2.hpkg data bin apps documentation
oops, I forgot about the boot directory there
package add myGreatApp_1.2-3_x86_gcc2.hpkg data bin apps documentation boot
I’ve long lost count of the number of times I made THAT particular error. The order in which you list those directories does not seem to matter, btw.
Sorry, I can’t se any obvious errors in your .PackageInfo. Just keep testing it.
PS did you remember to chmod +x your shell script? Just checking. If your script works from Terminal, it really should work in the packaging system.
What I have noticed is that the post-install scripts seem to operate in a rather restricted environment. Your script may be running short of memory. So take it one step at a time. Copy a small number of files, even one at a time, rather than trying to copy a hundred all in one go.
In one or two cases I had to create a shellscript on the desktop and my post-install script just was an Alert that said “click on that new script on your desktop”. What I was trying to do just didn’t work in the post-install environment. Still, you won’t know till you try.