OpenJDK is missing, but suddenly 150_j programs are available ... where from?

And it remains to be seen whether the problem was HaikuDepot installing regarless of if the dependency exists, or if it was because there was no dependency set. I would assume the latter, but Haiku is still alpha, so who knows.

There is no help for the situation what OP have, at least Haiku aren’t responsible and HaikuPorts have no power to help or fix it for him.
Talk to your provider, hopefully you can take over the repo and fix it for the OP.

All this talk about reponsibility and who’s fault it is, etc. etc. Apparently people can’t just help other people, even if it’s not their responsibility. Just something interesting…

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Yes they can. Here are some options:

  1. Say: “It’s likely the packages dependency not being set correctly, so I would talk to the maintainer of the repo”. Ya know, actually answer the question.
  2. Give link to an openjdk package or fix it and add it back into repo
  3. Give warning that repos are unmaintained in HaikuDepot (doesn’t do this for the web version, at least).
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Grab the package somehow (for example at with the download link), click on it with right mouse button, open the hpkg file with Expander, open the details and check the PROVIDES section.

If you still think it is a bug in Haiku (actually libsolv are responsible for it), open a ticket at with enough information (which package, what it defines as reqs, and so on).

Everything what you proposes are right:

  1. I told it already: contact the provider.
  2. It should come from a repo, not from a strange russian file-share site, sorry, that’s not package management, and if you install packages from shady sources, there is no way to help you. It was already told earlier. No QM, no check, maybe ransomware, botnet, etc, insert the current-most-discussed-security-flaw.
  3. The user needs to activate the repo. Haiku is trying to be nice to advertise 3rdparty repos, the maintainer should report at Haiku if he doesn’t plan to maintain his repo anymore. If vis-mayor happens, somebody should create a ticket at and propose a remove.

Try to contact your provider.

No, he asked why the package was able to be installed without the dependency being installed. The answer to that is not “Ask your provider”. It is: “The dependency might not have been set correctly by the maintainer, or it is a problem with HaikuDepot because the dependency no longer exists within the HaikuDepots repository”. THAT is the answer.

If the repo is unmaintained, there should be a clear warning when the user tries to activate the repo. Plain and simple!


@Polli The dependency (openjdk) might not have been set correctly by the maintainer in some of the packages, or it is a problem with HaikuDepot continuing to install the program regardless of if the dependency no longer exists within the repository (as explained by @un_spacyar) - in which case this should be reported on Haiku’s bug tracker.

I’d recommend trying to contact the repository maintainer, however, it seems he is no longer actively maintaining the repository.

I’m afraid that you might not be able to get much help, especially from me as I am just beginning to learn about Haiku. You could try to get an openjdk haiku package from the internet, however, I would recommend against that since it may be insecure. The only other people who would be able to help you are people who are able to fix the openjdk package for haiku that was in HaikuPorts.


You basically said newcomers to the community can f–off. How is this not rude and unfriendly?


I agree.
@extrowerk, you think you can tone it down a bit?
Just imagine the poster you answer is your mother. Or even better, your mother-in-law.


I think i was fixated wy too hard to the problem, instead of the whole picture.
Sorry guys.


Don’t be this guy:

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Nah, xkcd often really accurate, but not in my case.
EVERYBODY is wrong on the internet.

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Ok let me try. Clasqm is a user with his own repo server named clasqm too. He stop actualising his repo because too many changes has done so many of his packages (almost the Java one) does not run anymore.

Haiku depot website have the function to list extendet repos too, so you can found here more as into haikudepot without adding the extendet repos to it.

Haiku team does not Support this exteded repos, so you need to contact the repo provider please. If there is no contact available, is it bad and unlucky.

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Not directly related to the discussion here, but is there any chance that we could get OpenJDK back running on Haiku?


Yes, the old package still runs if you can get a copy of it. All we need is getting it into the depot again. We also tried to update to Java 8 but this does not work (it crashes on start with an out of memory error). We have asked the buildbots maintainers to include the Java package several times, with no success so far :frowning:


Thanks for the info PulkoMandy. Let’s hope for the best then :wink:
Btw, is/was there also a package for Haiku x86_64? I attempted to build openjdk from haikuporter but it says the recipe is broken.

OpenJDK 1.7 and 1.8 were only ported to Haiku 32 bit. There were previous efforts to port them to x86_64, but it requires a much more complicated bootstrapping process to build it.

I can imagine that another possible way around this is to use the upcoming 32 bit compatibility mode/layer for x86_64 to run a 32 bit OpenJDK. Until that comes, then you have to bootstrap/cross-compile a build somehow.

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If people like to keep track, this is theissue at haikuports for the OpenJDK package.


Thanks for the information @return_0e and @humdinger . The bootstrap documentation doesn‘t look very inviting, but then again I managed to compile and run CDE on FreeBSD , so I might as well give it a try :wink: