I read about openbinder http://www.openbinder.org/ on their homepage but I don’t really understand for what it is usefull. Anybody know openbinder or could explain were is it good for?
Openbinder was developed for BeIA and Cobalt could it be usefull for Haiku?
thanks a lot
Two years later, i wondering the same question
Can it be useful to Haiku ?
"OpenBinder is a system-level component architecture, designed to provide a richer high-level abstraction on top of traditional modern operating system services."
I did some looking into OpenBinder when it was first announced some years ago. On its own, it isn’t all that incredibly useful. The fact that it’s GPL makes it pretty useless for Haiku’s purposes, but it might serve as a useful starting point for a component system made from scratch specifically for Haiku. It has some classes which are very interesting from a developer’s point of view.