Open Source Conference 2023 Tokyo/Spring (JP/EN)


4月1日(土)に開催される Open Source Conference 2023 Tokyo/Springで Haiku を展示しょうと思っています。



Hi all,

I am planning on showing Haiku at Open Source Conference 2023 Tokyo/Spring. Anyone close by willing to join?

Date is 4/1 (Sat), from 10:00~16:00, and the venue is close to Asakusa, Tokyo. More information here:

Map: Google マップ

Reply here if you have any questions.


Photo of the booth at the conference.


Nice! How was the visitors’ reception of Haiku?
Are those Haiku logo’d writing pads on the info flyers?
Were you 3 guys with a notebook each, or 1 guy with 3 notebooks? :slight_smile:

Hi Humdinger!

We were two people at the booth. We met in Twitter. :slight_smile:

The reception was good. We noticed broadly two groups of visitors: those who knew either Haiku or BeOS, and those who saw Haiku for the first time (these were mostly younger people).

The former group was happy to see Haiku alive and still making advances after so many years. The latter group were positively surprised particularly with unique things like BFS queries, data translators, how lightweight the OS was, etc., but also with the availability of software like LibreOffice, GIMP, Inkscape and such.

Those on top of the flyers were Haiku DVDs. These were brought by Murai-san, who I believe is a long-time contributor to Haiku. His showing up was a surprise!


Heh. That covers literally every person wandering into the room… :grin:

Ah, right must be a perspective trick, looking non-square. Brought by the mighty “mt”. Hope you all had a lovely time!

We had a great time indeed!