No wifi network option after installing drivers

I’m running R1/beta5 on a Toshiba Satellite T210 laptop with Realtek Wifi.

Initially after installing Haiku, the wifi device option appeared in Network preferences, but did not allow me to select my wireless network. I assumed that this was a missing driver issue, so I connected to my LAN via ethernet and ran the script.

After running the script, the wifi device option in Network preference is no longer there.

listdev shows the following network drivers:

device Network controller (Ethernet controller) [2|0|0]
  vendor 10ec: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
  device 8136: RTL810xE PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller

device Network controller [2|80|0]
  vendor 10ec: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
  device 8172: RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller```

The `/boot/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/bin` directory indicates that `realtekwifi` is installed.

Any idea why I can no longer specific a wifi network connection?

What is the easiest way to remove ny non-default wifi drivers from my system to test the original configuration again?


Support for your wifi is broken:

Well, there’s the problem.

And I obviously didn’t dig deep enough into the site to locate that list.

Thanks for the pointer.

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  • supported device list

This isn’t needed except on some very old hardware; all Realtek hardware that we support has firmware bundled with the default OS install (realtek_wifi_firmwares...hpkg)

The drivers we use (from FreeBSD) don’t support this device. They do however support many common RTL USB WiFi devices, so if you have some dongles lying around, maybe see if one of them works (note that we only re-scan WiFi devices on boot, not hotplug at present.)