No network card visible while using PCI RTL 8139D card


I just installed Haiku on my old PC. However i cannot see my network card. In the network the list of devices is empty. It is my first try of Haiku (alpha). The ethernet card has been manufactured by pentagram and it is using Realtek chip RTL 8139d chip.

I am fairly sure Realtek 8139 chipset is supported by Haiku.

Can you provide listdev output for network card? Can you also provide ls /dev/net (/dev/network?)?

At very least, these will tell us if your card id is in the driver and if your 8139 was picked up by the 8139 driver.

ls /dev/net gives nothing (empty?)

listdev gives a couple of devices but the most important is:

device network controller (ethernet controller) [2|0|0]
vendor 10ec: Realtek Semiconductor co., ltd.
device 8139: RTL 9139/8139c/8139c+

so it seems that the system is seeing my card but no driver has been installed…

listdev just shows your computer hardware.

My Haiku system is packed away so I am not sure if there is /dev/network. Does this exist?

Since you do not have driver in /dev/net then the driver is not loading with your card.

You should file a bug report
Include listdev output, same as you have above, include syslog ( from /var/log ), state Haiku revision and the issue you have.

First though, try a recent nightly image to see if that works for you.

/dev/net exists :smiley: but it is empty…

where can i find the latest build?

Under Nightly Images:

Haiku has rtl8139 driver and it should work with your hardware since your listdev reports standard (supported) ids for vendor and device.

Looking through syslog may show what is going on with network card & driver.

Great to hear you found another solution. Reporting the bug first and trying to get it fixed would have been better because it may have helped others out. Anyways, enjoy your Haiku install.

I tried to paste here some of the lines from syslog but it was taken for a spam. So here is another try

KERN: PCI: [dom 0, bus 0] bus 0, device 10, function 0: vendor 00ec, device 8139, revision 20
KERN: PCI: class_base 02, class_function 00, class_api 00
KERN: PCI: vendor 00ec: Unknown
KERN: PCI: device 8139: Unknown
KERN: PCI: info: Network controller (Ethernet controller)
KERN: PCI: line_size 08, latency 20, header_type 00, BIST 00
KERN: PCI: ROM base host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00020000
KERN: PCI: cardbus_CIS 00000000, subsystem_id 8139, subsystem_vendor_id 00ec
KERN: PCI: interrupt_line ff, interrupt_pin 01, min_grant 20, max_latency 40
KERN: PCI: base reg 0: host 0000c000, pci 0000c000, size 00000100, flags 01
KERN: PCI: base reg 1: host e3400000, pci e3400000, size 00000100, flags 00
KERN: PCI: base reg 2: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00
KERN: PCI: base reg 3: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00
KERN: PCI: base reg 4: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00
KERN: PCI: base reg 5: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00
KERN: PCI: Capabilities: PM

the next position in syslog is

KERN: rtl8139: init_hardware(0x8064d834)
KERN: [rtl8139] (rl) bus_alloc_resource(4, [16], 0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x1, 0x2)
KERN: rtl8139: no hardware found.
KERN: rtl81xx: init_hardware(0x8064f1f4)
KERN: rtl81xx: no hardware found.

next the card seems to be recognized

KERN: PCI: [dom 0, bus 0] bus 0, device 10, function 0: vendor 10ec, device 8139, revision 20
KERN: PCI: class_base 02, class_function 00, class_api 00
KERN: PCI: vendor 10ec: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
KERN: PCI: device 8139: RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+
KERN: PCI: info: Network controller (Ethernet controller)
KERN: PCI: line_size 08, latency 20, header_type 00, BIST 00
KERN: PCI: ROM base host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00020000
KERN: PCI: cardbus_CIS 00000000, subsystem_id 8139, subsystem_vendor_id 10ec
KERN: PCI: interrupt_line 05, interrupt_pin 01, min_grant 20, max_latency 40
KERN: PCI: base reg 0: host 0000d000, pci 0000d000, size 00000100, flags 01
KERN: PCI: base reg 1: host e3400000, pci e3400000, size 00000100, flags 00
KERN: PCI: base reg 2: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00
KERN: PCI: base reg 3: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00
KERN: PCI: base reg 4: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00
KERN: PCI: base reg 5: host 00000000, pci 00000000, size 00000000, flags 00
KERN: PCI: Capabilities: PM

but still something is wrong

KERN: rtl8139: init_hardware(0x8064d834)
KERN: [rtl8139] (rl) bus_alloc_resource(4, [16], 0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x1, 0x2)
KERN: rtl8139: no hardware found.
KERN: rtl81xx: init_hardware(0x8064f1f4)
KERN: rtl81xx: no hardware found.

Well, this is an issue right here:

KERN: rtl8139: no hardware found.
KERN: rtl81xx: no hardware found.

Haiku has two Realtek drivers (those listed above), each handles specific Realtek network cards. Neither one recognizes your card as supported.

File bug report to have a developer look into it and fix this issue with Realtek driver. Include syslog & listdev output & mention nothing under /dev/net & no network adapter in preferences & Haiku revision. Regards,

For some reason the vendor id was incorrect on your first post

KERN: PCI: vendor 00ec: Unknown

Should have been 10ec (for Realtek). Not sure why this would happen if you did a copy of syslog to your forum post. Strange.

the card was made by pentagram… maybe that is the problem…

maybe i can reinstall the driver somehow?

no, made by pentagram should not matter. The driver looks for vendor & device ids (chipset based - example: Realtek 8139), those that you posted above from listdev & syslog. your vendor id: 10ec, device id: 8139

from memory, the rtl8139 driver is haiku native network driver. They still use this for 8139 cards. The rtl81xx is bsd driver and has 8139 card commented out.

These drivers are built with Haiku (part of the OS). Either, the rtl8139 driver has to be fixed, if that is the issue or switch to rtl81xx (by letting it handle 8139 too).

There could also be something happening with your hardware that is causing it to fail - may not be driver issue. For instance, I’ve seen 2 people say turning on PXE, SmartLAN in BIOS solved their network issue. Turning off Plug & Play OS might help too, etc.

You should report it to have a developer look into it further to check the driver since I’m guessing you had this issue with 2 revisions of Haiku.

It was simpler for me to change the motherboard. Now i ma using Asrock board with integrated via rhine network card and it seems to work just fine :smiley: in fact i am now writing form my Haiku host :smiley:

The problem might have been the shity motherboard (it sometimes failed to boot) so instead of starting a fire (that something is wrong with the system) i just switched to more reliable motherboard. I am now running BOINC on Haiku :smiley:

“The problem might have been the shitty motherboard (it sometimes failed to boot)”

Alright, true if it had problems booting it was unreliable to start with. ( I’ve had this problem too on 1 or 2 motherboards and it was blown/bulging capacitors but it could be anything ).

“I am now running BOINC on Haiku :D”

For others interested in BOINC on Haiku, they can read the news here:

I have already read that :smiley: No i am planning to port another project on Haiku :smiley: Because SETI is not enough :smiley: It might be a little problem, as i never did it before and i use haiuk only for 3 days :smiley:

Oh, I actually built a new BOINC package after R1/Alpha1 was released:

I should update the teamhaiku page :frowning: