Newer hardware (Athlon 64, etc)

It’s about time for me to upgrade some of my aging and increasingly problematic hardware, but before I did, I had a few questions.

Has anyone had any problems (or successes) trying to run BeOS/Haiku on a 64-bit processor (Athlon 64, Sempron, etc)? I doubt that I will be able to run it in 64-bit mode (in any OS), but has anybody tried to run a 64-bit processor in 32-bit mode in BeOS/Haiku? Just thought I’d ask before I bought new hardware that might lock me out of Haiku.

As a side note: Are there any plans on adding some of the new Athlon capabilities into Haiku? For example, the hardware random number generator or the virus protection bit that helps prevent buffer overflow exploits? I don’t know if it is possible to do something like “if(processor == A64) {use hardware random number generator} else {use software random number generator}” without having to compile the code specifically for athlon64 processors. Just a random thought…

I´ve no problems running beosmax on an athlon64 in 32 bit mode.

32-Bit Haiku runs great on AMD64 Hardware. BeOS also runs on it, but does require an AMD Patch (Which i think is also in BeOS Max).

I’m sure there will be a native 64-Bit Haiku Port one day in the not to distant future ^_^.

Hi -

Err… not sure how relevant this is (given that I’m using QEmu to run Haiku) but yes - Haiku runs fine (in QEmu) on my AMD64.

  • latte

The BeosMax CD reboots at the splash screen on my AMD64 machine.

I sure would like to run SOME variant of BeOS again. :frowning:

robot wrote:
The BeosMax CD reboots at the splash screen on my AMD64 machine.

I sure would like to run SOME variant of BeOS again. :frowning:

Try hitting space when starting up and playing with the options?
Eg. Disable BIOS Calls especially.

robot wrote:
The BeosMax CD reboots at the splash screen on my AMD64 machine.

I sure would like to run SOME variant of BeOS again. :frowning:

Which BeOS MAX CD? – I believe the earlier ones did not have the athlon patch pre-applied.

I use BeOS MAX V3.1b1 - and I will try it on my newly-built Athlon 64 machine in the next couple of days.

As for Haiku - I’ll try that also, but that probably won’t happen till this upcoming weekend at the earliest :wink: