New logo for Team Haiku site

Here is a new logo you can use. It is designed for the two-tone background. It is exactly the same dimensions. It is a drop in replacement.

Purposeless wrote:
Here is a new logo you can use. It is designed for the two-tone background. It is exactly the same dimensions. It is a drop in replacement.

Any chance of using png files instead? If you’re worried about I.E. or filesizes, just use the correct alpha type, and put them through pngout too…

I am going to have to second the PNG request! Please!

I’m guessing that any image editing tool worth its salt can convert from .gif to .png :wink:

umccullough wrote:
I'm guessing that any image editing tool worth its salt can convert from .gif to .png ;)

Yes of course, but by having used gif before conversion to png removes alpha transparency and reduces the number of colours to max 256 because of the limitations of the gif format… It’s better to use png from the beginning.

Ekdahl wrote:
umccullough wrote:
I'm guessing that any image editing tool worth its salt can convert from .gif to .png ;)

Yes of course, but by having used gif before conversion to png removes alpha transparency and reduces the number of colours to max 256 because of the limitations of the gif format… It’s better to use png from the beginning.

He’s picking on [Beta] and Serpentor for just stating they wanted it in PNG format.
(See the ;))
They didn’t specify they wanted alpha transparency or in more than 256 colors.

Yes, of course I know that .png is a better format than .gif… - and i hardly believe that there are truly much more than 256 colors in that image anyhow.

As for the transparency, I don’t see why GIF transparency can’t be converted to PNG transparency? unless you’re referring to the alpha channel being applied to the shadow in varying degrees of opacity?

umccullough wrote:
Yes, of course I know that .png is a better format than .gif... - and i hardly believe that there are truly much more than 256 colors in that image anyhow.

As for the transparency, I don’t see why GIF transparency can’t be converted to PNG transparency? unless you’re referring to the alpha channel being applied to the shadow in varying degrees of opacity?

Well, GIF can be better in a few rare cases. But it’s all about the patents for me :twisted:
As for transparency, PNG can have 1bit alpha the same as GIF.

I only ask Purposelessness for PNGs because 1, he might have better quality source images, so it would produce better PNGs 2, hopefully a little nudge to use PNG only :slight_smile:
That is all.

johndrinkwater wrote:
Well, GIF can be better in a few rare cases.

file-size (sometimes) and animation are the only 2 that come to mind :wink: