New desktop from BeOS user

For what it’s worth, it doesn’t look too bad.

Assuming you are still working on this, I think that a BeOS/Haiku style of UI is a better choice than copying Windows 8+ or macOS. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but at least it has a distinctly different feel to it.

Abbreviating your project’s name as ‘SDE’ would seem slightly ambiguous. Is there a better or preferred short form? You know like StarDE or STDE. There might be a name conflict out there for something like AsteriskDE or ADE, but if you mean “star” like the keyboard symbol, that would be appropriate.

Tangentially, your website could use a little bit of cleanup in my opinion.

For example:
The download icon is still a local file reference on the page for your manual viewer application (6-4 helpmeman.gambas).

On the first Applications page (6. Applications) you have a link claiming to point to that actually tries to go to, which obviously doesn’t exist.


Why would you use the GNU FDL for a software project? A desktop environment isn’t a document after all.

SkyOS was fun to play with back then, but not as intuitive as BeOS or Haiku by a long shot (my 2 cents) :slight_smile: