New BeOS Button is here!

hi, i made this button yesterday. i have put my first webpage on net. i wanted to place a “This Site Is BeOS Friendly” picture somewhere, but i couldn’t find anything like this anywhere, so i made my own. feel free to use :D. hope you will like it. i suggest any beos user having own net page to place this small button somewhere, add some comment (something to promote beos :)); and link this button to beos reborning project you believe in most (in my case it is linked to

ps. if someone will use this button on page please say about it here, it will be very nice to know

BeOS will always be BeOS in my mind, but maybe this should be a Haiku button? Officially, “BeOS” labelled as BeOS is dead.

hmm, i am wondering about making haiku button, i think that i will make it someday. but this button as you can read is not directly for haiku, every user can use it and link to any beos project he or she wants. but if i make a haiku button i will post it for sure. take care :wink:.

that’s the button i’d start putting everywhere for now =)

(deleted, since what I posted was factually wrong)

wow, self-moderation

i’ll leave that in tact just so i can prove to the other moderators that it DOES actually exist =)

yes, it does exist. :slight_smile:

I just wanted to let you know alzen that I added your button to my site. :slight_smile:

I made one… if only I had a server to host the image on.

CPUGuy wrote:
I made one... if only I had a server to host the image on.
How big is it?


:slight_smile: for photo hosting.

CPUGuy wrote:
I would host it, but there seems to be another free alternative.

waiting for activation e-amil…