Network question on open port

I can list the open port on my machine with :

netstat -lntu
Proto  Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address         Foreign Address       State        Program
tcp         0      0 -                     -                     listen       1150/sshd
tcp         0      0 *:22                  *:*                   listen       1150/sshd

However I would like to open port 27960 for a server to be recognized on my local network : how to do so ?
I can see iptables or ufw is not recognized to do such setup

Thank you

Not clear to me what the issue is. sshd opened 22 in your listing. It’s up to the server to do this.

Try this, just for example:

$ python3
Python 3.10.13 (main, Feb 13 2024, 17:17:00) [GCC 13.2.0] on haiku1
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import socket
>>> x = socket.create_server(('', 27960))

Ok I will rephrase my need : I have a game server (written in c/c++) which is using port 27960.

On Linux in such case, I can open this port in a terminal via the iptables or ufw commands.

How to do the same under Haiku terminal ?

On Haiku you don’t need to open the port because currently it doesn’t have any firewall.
Just start your game server and you’re done.
You’ll instantly be able to connect to it from another device.

Mmm ok. In that case the network layer of the game server is not working properly as the port is not opened once the server is up.

I didn’t see any error during the server start, that’s why my initial idea was to open the port manually due to firewall issue.

Not sure what the issue might be (it’s ioquake server) as the code was not changed.

Try to connect to it from the same computer where it is running.

That’s not my need as the client is from another computer and the client is not available on Haiku AFAIK.

Make sure it’s listening on

I’ve tested with another program (TCP server) and the corresponding port is open once the server is up.

netstat -lntu
Proto  Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address         Foreign Address       State        Program
tcp         0      0 -                     -                     listen       1150/sshd
tcp         0      0 *:22                  *:*                   listen       1150/sshd
tcp         0      0 *:8080                *:*                   listen       1429/QTCPServer

So I guess it’s an issue with the generated binary where the server is running (bots, logs, etc visible in the logs) but the network layer is failing somewhere (but no error indicated in the logs)

I didn’t get any chance to have a running server for OpenArena_dedicated as well.