
What browser will Haiku R1 ship with? Will they (as I hope they will) pick up NetOptimist and develop a fully opensource NetPositive clone which handles modern Web technology while remaining at the speed we are all used to in NetPositive, or will they take the cowardly way out and use Firefox, which is slower to load than Net+ while requiring less work on the part of the devs?

Jormundgand wrote:
What browser will Haiku R1 ship with? Will they (as I hope they will) pick up NetOptimist and develop a fully opensource NetPositive clone which handles modern Web technology while remaining at the speed we are all used to in NetPositive, or will they take the cowardly way out and use Firefox, which is slower to load than Net+ while requiring less work on the part of the devs?

Bundle a web browser with the OS distribution??
There’s a can of worms.

Define “they”.

They being whoever makes the decision on such matters.

I’d consider it extremly unwise if any of the currently active devs wasted time on developing a browser. As with every feature or in this case app request, it all boils down to the question: is it worth postponing the R1 (or any other) release for it?
I can hardly imagine anyone would say, “Oh yes, please, I’ll wait another few months for a rudimentary browser”.
The solution, of course, is to get more active developers. How? That’s the big question! I’d say getting as quickly as possible to a working R1 (alpha, beta) goes a long way.

What I can imagine, however, is a very rudimentary HTML viewer (maybe based on NetOpimist) for displaying the documentation. Anything bigger should be handled by a wget-icon on the desktop pointing to a Firefox download.

as said; while alternatives are available; better we concentrate on the main stuff. Once the main things are taken care of; we can focus on applications then. Apple dint bundle safari immediately with apple mac os x 10.0 now; did they? It dint matter…