Need Some Help Installing

Hey guys, as you can see from the subject, I’m having a bit of trouble installing and getting Haiku up and running. I’m running Snow Leopard on an Intel based Mac Pro from I believe late '08.

I have tried both burning a CD and running off of a thumb drive, with no success. For the CD, I burned the .ISO image on to a blank disk using the built in Disk Utility, but I cannot get my computer to boot from the disk no matter how hard I try. For the thumb drive, I followed these ( directions to the dot, but an error message pops up saying that the disk image is not readable by this computer, and I can’t boot from it.

I’m a complete newbie at running any OS’s but the standard ones, so any help at all is greatly appreciated.


It sounds like you need to edit your BIOS settings to allow booting from CD or USB.

Were you able to select the CD as the startup volume? I suggest that you hold down the Option key during startup, which takes you to the Startup Manager. The Haiku CD should be visible as a bootable CD. If not, it is not correctly burned.

Macs don’t have BIOSs.

Were you able to select the CD as the startup volume? I suggest that you hold down the Option key during startup, which takes you to the Startup Manager. The Haiku CD should be visible as a bootable CD. If not, it is not correctly burned.

Macs don’t have BIOSs.[/quote]

Macs don’t have BIOS’s? :o
Well, again, like he said, could you select the CD from something like a boot menu?

Also, I don’t recommend using a CD. They are small and even when you manage to boot from Haiku with it, it will run slow. There is a possibility that it could have been a corrupt burn, but probably not. I’d just suggest using a DVD, with that Haiku almost runs as fast as it would if you actually had it installed. And I couldn’t install Haiku from a CD, because it gave me a lot of errors. So again, I just suggest a DVD.

This could be two things: 1. It was never prompted to boot from a CD/USB, so it booted from the hard drive, or 2. No bootable medium was found inside the CD/USB so it booted from the hard drive.

It would be #1 and the error message is due to the Mac not being able to read BFS disks from inside OS X.