My suggestions to make Haiku better!

  1. Support to install Haiku on ZFS! ZFS rocks!
  2. Support of ZFS installation on setup!
  3. Package manager (GUI - Bash)
  4. Compilation of packages / Flags. I don’t like binary packages :stuck_out_tongue:
  5. Support for Kernel Config!
  6. Support to read - write UFS ,ZFS ,JFS (Ext2/3 ,NTFS I think already do it)
  7. Support for ARM. The reason that I don’t install Haiku on Motorola Xoom tablet is that Haiku is not already written for ARM processors!
  8. SOS!!! 64bit support! We are one step before 2012!!!
  9. Haiku must come without NONE package by default! We must have the ability to choose what we really need on our computers! From editors to players etc.
  10. Must follow BSD, Solaris and serious UNIX philosophy! UNIX is alive and very very strong and every day proove that worths!!!
  1. The thing about following is that you can never lead. We are not copycats we want innovation.

Nothing cannot beat UNIX. Yes. Is hard to listen this but is the truth! If you cannot beat something then be the best friend of it :slight_smile: After BSD of course :slight_smile: BSD is my primary OS and I am not changing it for none reason! :slight_smile: I love it with all my heart :slight_smile:

We arn’t trying to beat UNIX. We are doing a different kind of OS.

If Haiku was aiming to be a server OS, the unix beating might make sense. Currently Windows beats everyone on the desktop.

That’s wonderful! It’s always good to find an OS that perfectly suits your needs. You should be very happy using BSD. Have fun!

I tried Haiku when was on alpha 1. I think that’s amazing OS. Unix or not. Do we have a date of beta release?

I’d hope for sometime after new years to see the march for Beta happen. Would seem like the most likely scenario.

Now I am on army. When I will finish (one month left) I am going to install them. No for testing purposes. I will keep them :slight_smile:

  1. Support to install Haiku on ZFS! ZFS rocks!
  2. Support of ZFS installation on setup!

What, precisely, does ZFS have that you would like to see in Haiku?

  1. Package manager (GUI - Bash)

They’re working on it.

  1. Compilation of packages / Flags. I don’t like binary packages :stuck_out_tongue:

The rest of us do like binary packages.

  1. Support for Kernel Config!

NOOOOOOOOOOO! This is exactly the kind of hard-core geekery that scares people away from Linux.

  1. Support for ARM. The reason that I don’t install Haiku on Motorola Xoom tablet is that Haiku is not already written for ARM processors!

That would be nice … if there was a single ARM spec to write to. There isn’t. ARM is a collection of different chips, each of which has its own peculiarities. How mnany devs do you think Haiku has?

  1. SOS!!! 64bit support! We are one step before 2012!!!

What for? Haiku boots up and runs faster than any of the 64-bit OS’s I have installed. Be precise: What advantages would that bring? Advantages, not bragging rights.

  1. Haiku must come without NONE package by default! We must have the ability to choose what we really need on our computers! From editors to players etc.

Just delete the ones you don’t want. Two minutes’ work, tops. Haiku apps are quite easy to find since they are not spread out over a dozen directories like some other OS’s.

  1. Must follow BSD, Solaris and serious UNIX philosophy! UNIX is alive and very very strong and every day proove that worths!!!

No, they can follow us if they want to :slight_smile:

Support for ZFS? Does Linux have support for ZFS? What you have described reminds me … Linux. The way is developed.

Linux can access ZFS via FUSE. The released ZFS code is deemed license incompatible with the GNU GPL of Linux and Sun (thus now Oracle) supposedly owned patents on some aspects of the filesystem. Linux does natively support btrfs which is comparable in a broad sense with ZFS - similar design criteria, similar feature set - and was developed independently for Linux.

  1. Support to install Haiku on ZFS! ZFS rocks!
  2. Support of ZFS installation on setup!

Educate me.

What does ZFS have that BFS does not?

Why do we need it?

What I would like is the option to delete and format partitions from the installer. Many options have not been implemented in the partition setup tool. Also I would like ext4 support as well as RAID support! Also something resembling LVM would be useful!


ZFS is a filesystem that does things that BFS was never designed to do.

First of all ZFS has check sums at the block level, which is very important given the increasing storage capabilities and density of current and future disks. It also has RAID support, including RAID 0,1,5,6 (double parity) and now it has triple parity too.

Also since it is a COW (copy-on-write) file-system, it has unlimited snapshot support. Imagine upgrading your Haiku install and something goes wrong. No problem, you just boot to a previous snapshot of the system.

Now ZFS can not do the nifty tricks that BFS can do with attributes. I think that xattr could be used to that effect, but I don’t know.

Also ZFS is seriously industrial grade software.

IMO ZFS is the future of Haiku as far as filesystems are concerned.

“Support to install Haiku on ZFS! ZFS rocks!”

That planned.
But before we must implement AFS, then CFS, DFS, EFS, FFS, and so one up to ZFS.

More seriously, whatever ZFS does, supporting or even use it as native file system in Haiku it’s not what would make Haiku so more useful to end-users than today.
It’s not a killer feature. The snapshot ZFS feature is very great, but until we have productive/creative apps, we won’t have enough end users to care about it.

Even the ARM support is less urgent than reaching critical mass of desktop apps.


No make that +100

I don’t mean to state the obvious, but somehow I find this post both awkward and rude.
It’s ok to have your own personal choices but you don’t literally make a forum post flattering another OS, while almost literally insulting another, it’s bad etiquette.