My progress in Wayland compatibility layer

Wonderful event!

…wow… great!!! love it,!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Thanks 3dEyes, this is great work. The Epiphany browser (which shows up as Web in the Deskbar) works very well, can play YouTube, and when it crashes it can recover, it’s actually a usable browser under Haiku. Time to spread the word …


Thanks on all the hard work you guys are doing, missing 32bit packages there @3dEyes :wink:

Thank you for the great work.

Is a “port” of Evolution possible with EWS support?


Webkit-gtk has a problem - it wants 8GB of RAM at least. With less, the rendering process crashes when opening a new tab with an Out of Memory error in the fork() function. It helps to increase virtual memory with little physical memory.


Do you know why it wants that much memory?

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Does this behavior show up only in haiku or in linux too?

It seems some troubles with fork and mmap. Maybe can be fixed by replacing fork with create_image/posix_spawn. Linux use memory overcommit, so it behave differently.


Is it possible include hvif support to the Inkscape port?

Great news. I’ve added your repo and installed some of the ports. But none of them run, They all terminate before showing the GUI.
I’m running the latest nightly. Any missing package?

What is your RAM size? I could only launch Epiphany and MiniBrowser with 3GB RAM and 5GB swap size in VMware. Otherwise they would terminate with Out of memory error.

Nice job! I got some complex web apps work great ( for example) but not others like
Is there a way to change the user agent? iCloud hangs indefinitely with a spinning wheel and I suspect it’s a user agent thing.
PS: I have 8Gb RAM but had to on increase the swap file to 16GB to make Lark work

I can only get Epiphany to load one web page at a time. Trying to open a second one in a new tab or window just has it sit at “Loading” forever. This is with 16GB of RAM.

Did you see the known problems under my post? Check if there are folders in /boot/system/non-packages/data/mime and /boot/home/config/non-packages/data/mime and remove if they exist.

No, I had ignored it. :man_facepalming:t4:
But even after removing the folders at /boot/home/config/non-packages/data/mime (there’s no mime folder under /boot/system/non-packages/data/ on my installation) Epiphany crashes at startup. I managed to successfully run Inkscape 1.2 though.
Gimp starts the loading screen but crashes too.
I’m running Haiku on vmware fusion with more than 8gb set to the VM.

In HaikuWebKit there are several patches in the lower levels of WebKit to make it behave well in Haiku. Possibly some of these need to be included in gtkwebkit port for Haiku as well (and ideally upstreamed to webkit to make this easier).

It seems a good idea to start with reviewing the differences in the WTF directory and maybe the WebCore directory (changes in WebKitLegacy and WebKit should not matter, these should be able to use the GTK code without changes)


I took the opportunity to get a clean installation of Haiku and to my surprise now Epiphany works a lot better. No need to increase the swap file and iCloud works (almost) pretty well.
I can login, receive and even send emails… Hurray!
Unfortunately Notes crashes due to it requires WebGL and Calendars due to a RPC function not found.

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Latest version webkit-gtk and epyphany (gnome web)