My new (more-or-less) Haiku-ready notebook

Hello there!

After my old notebook kicked the bucket (for real this time), I had to take the risk of ordering a new one…
I’m glad to report that I chose well. :slight_smile:

My notebook has arrived and seems to be quite well supported under Haiku! \o/
It’s a Schenker B513 with a 500gb SSD, i7-4712MQ (quad-core), and WLAN intel 6235.

This works:

  • The intel HD 4600 graphics only work in VESA mode, but I don't care as the native 1920x1080 resolution is available for the notebook's panel. Update: it's now using the intel extreme driver.
  • WLAN works
  • Sound works (though the speakers aren't brilliant, but loud enough and sufficient for me. Music and movies need headphones anyway.
  • Power off on shutdown and rebooting works.
  • Power saving works well enough for the machine being cooler than my Core2Duo I had before. The machine is silent for everyday idling like surfing the web etc.

Here is what’s currently not working:

  • The Fn-keycombos. Most annoyingly the backlight control, i.e. it's constantly running on full power.
  • No two-finger scrolling and no way to assign a scroll-area with the Touchpad preferences.

Only had it for a day now, but I’m very pleased so far.

Here are some diagnostics: listdev, listusb, listimage-drivers, sysinfo.



The backlight thing could be #8258. I sort of work around the issue myself by preadjusting the brightness level while sitting in my Grub menu before booting.

Hi luroh!

While this brightness adjusting in grub/bootman works on the old Samsung N10 netbook, it does not for this Schenker. I haven’t tried disabling ACPI yet, but from the above it looks like the brightness isn’t controlled by the firmware but relies on a ACPI-driver. :\

I hope you and Frederik come to BeGeistert again. Besides your company… :slight_smile: I’d pay for Frederik’s beer tab (within reason, no rounds for all the BeGeisterten :slight_smile: ), if he manages to get brightness control working on this notebook. Besides the glare esp. in the dark, I fear that running the backlight full power all the time may effect its longevity.


0x8086, 0x088e, “Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6235”

not work … 2.4 and 5 GHz

device Network controller [2|80|0]
vendor 8086: Intel Corporation
device 088e: Centrino Advanced-N 6235


install firmware - works 2.4 GHz

so what haiku runs on anything you though at it unlike reactos.