Multiprocess firefox

Hmm. Isn’t this generally how BeOS/Haiku have worked all along? Not multi-process of course, but the general concept of spreading the work among multiple CPUs…

How many years has it been? And some of the rest of the world is only now starting to catch on?

We even processed things we could out of the event thread in our Firefox, so when Firefox 2 was all the rage the Be/Haiku version was one of the faster.

And yet Firefox 2 was slow as hell in BeOS. Not sure if slower than in Linux at the time, but thing wasn’t running fast.

it also wasn’t a multiprocess version. firefox is kinda slow anywhere.

You needed BONE for fast networking. Unfortunatly the test figures for the same build under BeOS and Linux are long gone.

It’s almost 2014 and Firefox just updated itself to version 26 on my Ubuntu machine. If only could we revive BeZilla (HaikuZilla? GodZilla?) and bring one of the two main browsers of this decade back to Haiku. It’s a shame Haiku’s 3rd-party community almost non-existent in this day and age.

I agree, unfortunatly my spare time is very limited. Now that they realized Cairo was a poor choice to have on all platforms you can once again write your own gfx backend. So perhaps it would be a good time to start it up again.

See for info. Perhaps a working port of Skia would be a good start.