Mount support

It posible under a Haiku mount / unmount disks? thanks.

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skywaker wrote:
It posible under a Haiku mount / unmount disks? thanks.

use the "mount" commandline under Haiku.

for example, if you wanted to mount your BeOS R5 partition:

first create a mount point:

mkdir /BeOSR5

then mount your partition as readonly (safer)

mount -ro /dev/disk/ata/0/master/0 /BeOSR5

(example assumes that BeOS R5 partition is the first partition of master disk on first controller)

Currently I think only bfs and iso9660 filesystems are included by default for Haiku. The source tree has support for dos (FAT) and udf as well, but they do not build with the image yet.

There should likewise be an unmount tool - but I usually end up rebooting before I use that anyway.

You can also mount CDs:

mkdir /cd
mount -t iso9660 /dev/disk/atapi/0/slave/raw /cd

(if your cd drive is slave on first controller)

EDIT: added /cd argument, otherwise, it doesnt work.

You can do this from inside a image running under vmware?

reallyjoel wrote:
You can do this from inside a image running under vmware?

Theoretically yes - if you set up vmware to expose a drive/disk/disc to the vm - you’ll have to edit the .vmx file to add extra drives.

You can expose both physical and virtual drives/discs to a VM - for CDs, you can actually use an .iso image as a CD also. Most virtual machines support this type of behavior (VMware, Bochs, QEMU, etc.)

I think I recall that only CDs that were in the drive during boot can be mounted at the moment because there’s no insert notification support yet.


Do you know if haiku mount VCD format in command line and/or in graphic interface (In tracker).

Thanks !!!

Will Haiku also support mounting any old image format, instead of only device files? And will this be plugin-enabled, so that users can create plugins for their favorite image format? It could be written in a way that any image format, such as harddrive or floppy, could be loaded and written to, if the emulated device supports writing. And if the ability to mount FTP and Samba shares as local directories is any indication, it shouldn’t be too hard to implement a similar system to mount files as devices.
I actually think I saw something saying that it was being worked on. Will it be able to use plugins to load different types of image files?

Do you mean other filesystems in addition to bfs and iso9660?

Well, BeOS came with drivers for bfs,
cdda cifs dos ext2 hfs iso9660 ntfs ofs and uspacefs, some of which I don’t recognise, and there are third-party drivers for afs (Syllable) and Reiser and maybe others.

I don’t know if binary compatibilty means they should all work in Haiku. Nor, if that’s the case, whether they’re supported already. I suppose I could try some…

Malthus wrote:
Do you mean other filesystems in addition to bfs and iso9660?

Could be wrong, but I think he means different image formats, i.e. ISO, Nero, CUE/BIN, etc.

That’d be cool if our mount supported multiple image formats, and even better if new formats could be added via plugins.

Don’t think it’s on the R1 list, though.

If someone could find the time, this info should be added to the WIKI.

Purposeless wrote:
If someone could find the time, this info should be added to the WIKI.

Heh, I’ll add it to my talk page with a link to this thread and try to take care of it this weekend :wink:

Actually, now that I think about it, I can probably add some info to the "adding files to haiku image" section explaining how to mount an iso9660 cd in vmware or something so that files can be copied to the image from within Haiku…hmm…

umccullough wrote:
skywaker wrote:
It posible under a Haiku mount / unmount disks? thanks.

use the "mount" commandline under Haiku.

for example, if you wanted to mount your BeOS R5 partition:

first create a mount point:

mkdir /BeOSR5

then mount your partition as readonly (safer)

mount -ro /dev/disk/ata/0/master/0 /BeOSR5

(example assumes that BeOS R5 partition is the first partition of master disk on first controller)

Currently I think only bfs and iso9660 filesystems are included by default for Haiku. The source tree has support for dos (FAT) and udf as well, but they do not build with the image yet.

There should likewise be an unmount tool - but I usually end up rebooting before I use that anyway.


‘-ro’ gets me a "command not found" comment and without ‘-ro’, I get "Operation not allowed" ?!

Is there a part of the Wiki yet, explaining this in detail ?

Meanwhile wrote:

‘-ro’ gets me a "command not found" comment and without ‘-ro’, I get "Operation not allowed" ?!

Is there a part of the Wiki yet, explaining this in detail ?

Strange - maybe something changed :frowning:

I never did update the wiki… maybe I’ll try this out again tonight and see what’s up.

I’m sorry, nothing’s changed as I just got my BeOS partition mounted nicely…thanks!