Monter lecteur réseaux?


Je souhaiterai monter mon lecteur réseaux (NAS) sous Haïku. Comment faire ? merci :slight_smile:


In english please :slight_smile:

Don’t know what your asking :frowning:

By google translate: “I wish I mount my network drive (NAS) under Haïku. How? thank you :-)”

Maybe try this Samba, if your Russian is good :slight_smile:

[quote=AndrewZ]Maybe try this Samba, if your Russian is good :slight_smile:[/quote]

Once you install on your hd is in english :slight_smile: You have only to set smb.conf, which is “universal” :wink:

In anyway, in Haiku is present the command mount_nfs

Ϟ 19:12:39 Ϟ ~ mount_nfs
usage: mount_nfs server:export mountpoint uid gid
Ϟ 19:12:39 Ϟ ~

What?? Haiku has support for nfs?

Whay didn’t I think of that :slight_smile:

Have any one tested it?

Yes, but with an old Haiku image from half a year old, with NFSv2 support only.

It works as expected. I just have small issue regarding files larger than 4Gb, but I guess it’s a problem that was fixed this summer with the GSOC on NFSv4 support.

On the server side, a QNAP NAS in my particular case, I had to enable NFS access to the “share” folder to allow it being exported.
As always, YMMV.

PS: I replied the same but in french to my fellow citizen.