Minimal hardware


my question is …can be base of system improve,optimize for normal use in the PC with 32 - 128MB ram and 100 - 300 Mhz ass beos.Aros,Morphos 40mb ram use Syllable 20 - 32 It possible?

light icon
kernel + minimalist GUI

Thanks You for your answer.

Check the release notes, improve it to use less than it actually do? hard thing to do many changes have been made, better go with BeOs 5 PE max…

The cpu is fine… I’ve heard of people running Haiku on old Transmeta (i586) processors without any trouble.

Your biggest limit is the 128MB ram… 256+ is highly recommended. You can utilize virtual memory and swap to disk, but it is unlikely the LiveCD will boot with such a small amount of memory.

Yeah that would be me… haven’t tried the alpha yet on there but alpha3 worked decently except for lack of ram. Also there is a longrun driver on Haikuware that still works on transmeta so I can clock it down to less than 200Mhz which is uber slow think 486DX speed most likely and it still works fine for applications.

Web browsing on the other hand with Web+ isn’t good since it needs more ram… Netsurf might be an option if it was more responsive (this might have been fixed at the recent code sprint)

But yeah 240Mb that the laptop gives to the OS isn’t really enough for alot of programs its quite limiting. Also mp3 playback wasn’t stable as it it pauses occasionally under heavy load … and well any load is heavy on this thing.

Imagine the following:
When I was a baby I fit into a 30 cm x 30 x 50 cm box. Can you imagin? Cany you?
Today, right now, even the world champions in gymnastics, are not flexible enough to fit in such a box.
Yes i know, a stupid example, for a stupid question.
Yes, Syllable will/should fit in 32 ram (perhaps even less), but that isnt much of interest, since you are not anymore in the 60’s.
Syllable fits in 32 ram, because it has a very feature-less api (and buggy), and it doesnt have that many daemons starting at start-up.
And yes, since syllable doesnt have per default any devs tools installed , and hardly applications, of course it consumes less hdd memory.

I could understand your question, if the resources needed by haiku could be indeed a problem, but in fact it’s going to work I guess on most of the 20 years old computers, so why worry (asking) if it also works in 25 years old computers???

Really, a much better question is: on what “maximal hardware” is haiku working. This is a much bigger issue, that you could encounter. For example I can not run haiku on my acer s5 (neighter runs linux on it).

[quote=cipri]Yes, Syllable will/should fit in 32 ram (perhaps even less), but that isnt much of interest, since you are not anymore in the 60’s.
Syllable fits in 32 ram, because it has a very feature-less api (and buggy), and it doesnt have that many daemons starting at start-up.[/quote]
See, I just don’t buy that - because I’ve seen older OSes that can do everything Syllable can do and more, and that run on 25-50MHz non-pipelined, un-cached CISC CPUs, and that consume something on the order of a couple megabytes of RAM. The feature set of modern OSes is not as far removed from the likes of classic Mac OS or Amiga Workbench or even earlier versions of Windows as modern developers would like us to think.

That’s not to say that Syllable doesn’t have shortcomings, and I agree that Haiku has bigger concerns right now than running on the absolute minimum hardware possible, but having a full, semi-modern feature set does not necessarily correlate to taking up the kind of memory that modern OSes do.

Because the more hardware you can run on, the less barrier to entry you have. If people want to check out Haiku, but don’t want to muck around with dual-booting on their primary machine or hassle with setting up a VM environment, how much easier will they find it if they can pull their old box out of the attic and run on that, instead of having to spend time and money acquiring a newer machine for the purpose?

And also, because the greater efficiency that will allow an OS to run on older hardware will pay dividends on newer hardware. The less of your RAM the OS is using, the more is free for your applications. Likewise with CPU time.

Hardware may be cheap, but nothing is really cheap unless you’re frugal with it.

I would imagine alot of the problem is bloat in libraries. And really its very hard to deal with that.

I do agree with you though on the point that more can be done with less… I’ve got a SparcStation 2 with only 20Mhz and 32Mb ram max and it ran full blow X11 of the day its fairly responsive too on solaris and linux (RedHat 5.2 I think yes ancient I know but still) all things considered.

First, the user-range will not grow significantly for haiku, if instead of 20 years hardware, one can installed haiku on 25 years hardware too. Number 1.

Number 2)
Of course nobody wants to waste ram, but comparing ram is like comparing for example a dray (the one pulled by horses) to a truck, and using the weight of the objects for teh comparision.

And it’s really stupid. Like that you can take Dos/FreeDos, and see that it runs of very minimal hardware, but that doesnt mean, that it’s useful for most people.

And about syllable you dont need to tell me storries, since i wasted many years with syllable, and I think I’m perhaps the one who knows the syllable api better than all others. It’s very buggy and especially feature-less (compared to haiku, even if the haiku api is also laking enough features).