Merge 2 accounts

I unintenionally created two accounts on this forum. Can two accounts be merged?

And if not: How do I delete one of these accounts? I searched the preferences and the account settings but couldn’t find the info.


I think that you can’t. What man can do eventually is to delete their posts or to blank them using edit function. It’s a bit childish but some already did.

Well I registered on my mobile as PeterW, and forgot about that, and then registered as PeterX on my desktop. Stupid, but it happened. I don’t feel the urge to delete my postings. I will just try to delete my cookies etc. on my desktop and then use the same account there as on my mobile. (EDIT: I did it and should be PeterW from now on on both devices.)



Forum admins can merge the accounts. I will contact both accounts by private email to confirm the emails belong to the same person.