Media Centre OS

Hi guys,

I am planing a to connect my home theatre to a pc or laptop. Are there any groups working on a media centre version of BeOS? I haven’t programed for BeOS in over two years, but thought that somthing like that would be a great way to get back into the swing of it.

If not can anyone recommed some opensource projects that i could use and integrate?

Is there anyone that would want to work on somthing like this?


Check this project out:


Also, contact me sometime after January - my project is a potential entry for a competition so I’m not revealing anything till then

Thanks guys,

I have sent an email off to videodot, and i will look into that. but i wasn’t thinking of creating a new application, but rather making it appear like a different OS.

I am just thinking out aloud here, and looking for some of your thoughts. I read the article on replicants and thought it might be an idea of using apps that are already out there… Like a modified tracker and deskbar?

If anyone wants to help, has a app, knows of an app, or is a good graphics artist (because i am not…) let me know.

I may be able to supply web space for the project if needed. if there is enough interest for such a thing of course.

Well, it’s seems you are looking for something like Zintr0 isn’t it ?

If you want to make colsely the same thing in OpenSource and in beautiful (cause to me this style is just ugly), i am totally with you :slight_smile:

if my muckup style is ok for you (you can see some at i am ok to be part of this project !

Just send me an email if you want: remi [at] beosfrance [dot] com

That box looks almost perfect for what i was thinking…
all it needs is four sets of AV ins, four sets of AV outs and a remote control

And i agree with you, the interface looks like it nees work. But i can’t say too much from one image.

Thanks for the link, and thanks for pitching in. I will continue my research and keep you posted.

Kerr wrote:
That box looks almost perfect for what i was thinking... all it needs is four sets of AV ins, four sets of AV outs and a remote control

And i agree with you, the interface looks like it nees work. But i can’t say too much from one image.

Thanks for the link, and thanks for pitching in. I will continue my research and keep you posted.

Not sure about the AV in/out, but ZintrO does have a remote control.


here you an see more screenshot of the ZintrO interface:

Those last four shots are ZintrO. And yes, it needs some works to my opinion (a complete rebuild ?). But it’s just my opinion.